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Trigger Warning: Panic Attack/Fainting


I pace back and forth in front of the door to our shared bedroom, there were so many silent chats here. My fingers are tangled in my hair, tearing at it viciously.  The thoughts racing through my head grow louder and louder. The world feels as if it is complete silence and everything slows down around me. My vision blurs from the tears as the edges grow dark, rapidly engulfing the room. My hands release their grip on my throat as I fall to the ground. When did my hands clasp onto my neck?


A thud sounds from the small bedroom, I sprint to our bedroom and find Josh in a heap on the floor. Quickly, I flip him over and see the blue and purple bruises lining his neck. Oh my Joshie, I think. I grab a wet face cloth to cool his body down.

"Ty..." weakly sounds, I tightly grip onto him as he wakes up.

"What happened Baby Boy?" I shake my head before grabbing the notebook and explain the pain I caused My Love to endure.

Word Count: 183

Silence:JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now