Night 7

32 4 0

"The Piece"

I gathered all my thoughts of you for me to write,
With all the similes and metaphors to suits you right,
I made it sure it will all rhyme,
To the poem that all of you was described

Anxiously about how it will impress you,
So I write it as slow as how tiny turtles wandered,
My idioms are losing their way,
But I know in your heart they will stay

I will write it one by one,
How your image invaded my mind,
As messy as any statics method unsolved,
My formula for you is always precise

But everytime I sailed in the ocean of your presence,
I wasted away to the desert of nameless feelings,
I'm wondering what's next on this journey
Cause you're always be undiscovered by me

Therefore I set my dreams as a flower
To which you are a bee to me,
Yet I've been a withered flower,
But you never set yourself upon me

The promise between us,
Was as delicate as dandelion,
Blown away by circumstances
That you always wish to happen.

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