"Hey little nerd,still pathetic as usual". Taylor Green said while holding me on my shoulder, it was really tight. I wanted to smack his face or say that I was the Prince, but I could not just blow my cover just like that.

I planned it to stay that way, until the graduation day.

I spoke to soon.

Taylor Green threw me aside when he saw his friends waved at him.

I casually went to my locker and arranged my books when everyone talking around me suddenly became so quiet, so I thought Cindy the slut and her posse arrived.

So I just continued to stock my books but then I heard whispers, tiny murmurs around me so I turned around and saw the most beautiful girl, that I ever seen, almost like an angel in disguise walking down the hallway.

I saw guys gawking at her, there eyes filled with lust and almost all girls gave her envious glares that she just completely ignored, her hair was covering her face so I couldn't see her face but then she looked up and everybody, even I gasped.

She had the most bluest eyes that I had ever seen, it didn't take long until Taylor walked towards her and talked to her, I wasn't eavesdropping but I heard that he offered to tour her around but as I was turning around to do my unfinished work, everybody suddenly laughed and said "ohhhhh, burned by the new girl".

I glanced back to see Taylor's flushed face and I think I might have heard that he muttered something incoherent under his breath.

Damn it, I should have brought my camera, this was beyond priceless.

The beautiful girl started to walk towards my direction and managed to stand beside me, to say that I'm shock was an understatement.

I looked at her weirdly because first of all how on earth could she smile at a nerd when she looked like a goddess and second her cold attitude that was with her disperse when she saw me.

This just looks fishy, maybe my mother sent her, that's right maybe she did. I was momentarily judging her but I could feel that she saw me staring at her.

"Hi, my name is Victoria Adams and you are?". She said while staring at me with those big blue eyes, her smile was so contagious.

"I'm William Princeton".I took her little hand and shook it.

I returned the smile that she gave me but as soon as I smiled, she quickly went on to have a small conversation with me.

"That's a first". I thought

"So we're locker buddies, can I ask a favor from you? ". She said shyly and I couldn't contemplate what was happening, maybe my mother paid her a lot of money to seduce me.

"Uhm.... sure but it kinda depends on what kind of favor". I was still uncertain if I could really trust her, I mean people now a days can be bought off by a simple thousand bucks, let alone a whole lot of it.

Maybe she's a paparazzi.

"Well I was wondering if you could maybe give me a tour around your school." she said while playing with her hands, I think that she's too cute for me.

She's just one of those people who you just want to pinch in the cheeks.

"Su...re.. but why me? I mean the most popular guy asked you for a tour, why me?". I asked still confused and amazed that she managed to trick me really well.

It was silent between the two of us until she replied.

"Well first of all, I saw his friend pushed you towards your locker and second he was really rude and third I don't think it's just a tour he was asking for me and lastly I think as my friend you should help me with school starting by showing me around,

You are my friend right?". She said while mumbling the last part of her little speech and I was quite surprised, maybe she is a good person.

Besides In my heart, I was so glad that she rejected that ass-wipe but if she befriends me she must know my secret identity and she is a threat, a big cute threat towards me.

My mind answered this,

"Yeah of course I'm your friend I mean if your my friend then your a nerd for now on". I inwardly smirked to myself.

I have to test her, I mean if she was persistent to be my friend then she'll try anything to be my friend, only true and real friends do that.

"Cool, it's okay as long as you can be my friend and No! I don't care what they say, I want to be your friend and let's go". She grabbed my hand and started walking, she entwined my hand with hers and started skipping giddily and I was showing her every place in the school and I even drew her a personal map.

As our hands were holding, I could feel my heart beat. It was definitely strange, maybe she bewitched me or something.

I missed like 3 maybe 4 subjects but I didn't care. I mean spending time with a beautiful girl like her is nothing special right? well then your wrong because she isn't those typical stock up snobby rich kid and I like her passion. I learned that she was a heiress but she didn't tell me what type of company they run and I just nod in understanding and send her towards the principal office and arrived to my last class.......LATE.

"Mr. Princeton why are you late? " My teacher in English Mrs.Sanders said while glaring at me, she was a nice old woman but mess with her and you'll receive the horns.

I just shrugged.

"I hope that this will be the first and last time for this to happen". Mrs Sanders said once again and then she lectured me on time management and so on.

"Yes ma'am, I'm sorry but I just showed the new girl around". That was a huge mistake on my part because Taylor happens to be one of my classmates in English and I am going to receive hell tomorrow.

I stared at his direction and I found him glaring at me, this is just great. He even gave me the finger underneath his desk when Mrs.Sanders wasn't looking.


Hey guys!! This chapter is edited so please leave your thoughts and lots of love for this chapter.

Question of the Day

What is your Favorite food? <- (comment here)



I quick shout out to @Warrior_Panda123 and @SpartanKitty113

For voting and commenting!.

Thank you, I really appreciate it

Undercover Prince #Watty's2015Where stories live. Discover now