Chapter 1

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Rolando's P.O.V
Hi my name is Rolando Rose I'm 24 years old and I'm the President of the Sons of the Reaper. This club was made by my father and my sister's husband 13 years ago. My dad died of lung cancer when I was 19 and put me in charge of the club. My Vice President Chris Welsh is my nephew and his 22 years old his dad was Vice President when my dad was in charge. Anyway enough history my Road Captain Colin Mantler said that his cousin where coming to San Francisco, California where are Chatter is located and that they were staying with them. I asked him there names it was Lisa Mantler and Lena Mantler and there were twins.  One week later... Still Rolando's P.O.V
Colin   brought Lisa and Lena and my goodness they were beautiful.
Lisa's P. O. V
My cousin Colin told us that there was a party at this club house and we decided to go. (pretend that Lisa and Lena are 23 in this story) There was this guy who kept staring at me do I went up to him.
"Um hi" he said.
" Hi I'm Lisa" I said.
Yeah your cousin Colin told us he said.
Well yeah I said
I got to get going he said
Wait are you the President of the club I asked?
Yes he said in a worried voice..
Well I'll be on San Francisco until the 49er win a Superbowl I said laughing.
Alright see you around he said.
He was really cute I told Lena about it and she said that it was hard dating an MC member. I told her I didn't care but I just gonna stick around until something happens I said.
Chris's P. O. V
Aye Rolando who you talking to I said?
Eh one of Colin's cousins he said.
Well man it looked like she has something for you I said.
Yeah I can tell her she really pretty he said. Aye go talk to the other one I think her name is Lena he said. Alright I could use someone I said.
Hi I said.
Oh hi there she said confused.
Oh I'm sorry I can leave you alone I asked?
No it's okay I'm Lena by the way she said.
Yeah I know you're Lisa's sister I said.
How do you know her she asked?
Well um you see the guy other there she was taking to him and I overheard her say her name I said.
Oh okay she said.
Oh yeah I'm Chris I'm the Vice President of the club I said.
Oh that's cool she said. 
I sorry to ask but do you  want to catch a movie later on I asked?
Sure, what time she said.
8:15 I said.  I walked back to Rolando who was talking to Lisa. Um... I'll be right he back he told her. 
Aye Rolo I just got a date with Lena I said.
Well they've only been in the US for like Six hours and one of them all ready has a date.
Yeah I got to get home and get ready it's almost 7:30 I said.
Lena's P. O. V
I was a little nervous going on a date with an MC member I told Lisa that's its hard Dating one of them. Anyway Colin gave us 75k each and before coming to the party me and Lisa bought cars but I drive her to the party. Lisa I have to go see if Colin will give you some ride back home I said.
Oh okay but Colin has some business to handle she said.
I'll take her home Rolando said.  Thanks I said. When I got home I started get ready. It was 7:40 when I got home I took a quick shower got ready blow-dryed my hair then did my make up. Knock Knock I went to the door it was Chris. I hope you can get on s bike with that skirt on he said. (Bike means motorcycle)
Oh really I said I little bit mad.
Nah my bike is get repaired he said. 
Okay good I said.
Skip the date....
Rolando's P. O. V
It was 10:30 I asked Lisa is she wanted to go home because the party was dying down put she wanted to stay with me.
Rolando I'm tried she said.
Well there's a room for each member and Colin is handling business so he won't be sleeping in there I said.
No can I sleep with you she asked.
Sure my room is the one that has the Marine Corps flag on the door I said. I called Chris.
Hey Chris you still with Lena I asked him?
Yeah man what's up he said.
Just well tell her that Lisa wanted to sleep in the club house and that she'll be home tomorrow morning I said.
Alright man I got to go he said.
Lisa's P. O. V
I went inside the clubhouse and went into a hallway and found Rolando's room.  There was a whole bunch of posters of sport  illustration models and of cars also Marine Corps stuff. I went in the room was kinda clean. I checked the bathroom and it was clean. I took shower and layed down with just my bra and underwear. I was half asleep when Rolando came in he put on some shorts put his leather jacket on a couch then took off this shirt and layed on the bed.
Ring!! Ring!! Ring!! Ring!! I heard Rolando get up and answer his phone. I checked my phone it was 4:17am. I heard a lady on the other end say Why didn't you come home!! He answered in a sweet claim voice I felt like sleeping at the clubhouse. Then the lady said Oh hell no your mine and I want you here before I go to that damn clubhouse and I'll show your friends that an old lady can fight. You know what I done with you and your bullshit and how you treat me like shit he said. I woke up and said You okay. Ahhhh yeah, just go back to sleep he said.

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