Run in at the Café

Start from the beginning

I then stood up and left the café with my coffee in hand and walked back to the dorm. I couldn't stop thinking about that guy I just saw at the café. I just couldn't get the image of him out of my mind. What was making me think of him? Like seriously? I shook my head and went on my way, trying not to think of it much.

I walked into my dorm room and took off my coat and hung it up on the coat rack. I then put my shoulder bag over my desk chair, and took my laptop out and put it back on my desk. I walked over to the waste basket, not too far from the door and finished my coffee and threw the styrofoam cup out. I stretched out my arms and looked at the clock. "Oh my gosh! It's almost time I'm sure!" I squealed in joy. I was anxious to meet this new roommate. That's right! I, Marco Bott, am getting a new roommate finally. Awesome right?

I immediately stopped thinking about that guy from the café and realized I was wondering what the new roommate would be like. Would he be very artistic? Would he be nice? Would he be funny? Would he be smart? Would he be quiet? Would he be... Gay? I then shook my head as I sat on my bed.

"Marco, don't go thinking that!" I scolded myself. "What would make me even think of wondering about that?" I face palmed and it actually hurt a little. "Don't go hoping that Marco, don't!" I then ran my fingers through my hair and took a deep breath. "I just hope he is understanding, and not some mean judgmental person like others around here..." I whispered. "I just hope he will accept me for who I am and accept the fact that..."

I swallowed, my throat beginning to feel dry and scratchy... In fact it burned a bit. I felt like crying, but I wasn't some little boy, I wasn't going to cry. I just prayed so much for the perfect roommate. I realized now, as the time was inching closer and closer, that I actually worried about what the new roommate would be like.

I looked at the door, expecting the new roommate to burst through at any minute now, but of coarse that wouldn't happen for a while now. I then whispered and bowed my head as I finished what I was going to say before. "I just hope he will accept the fact that I am... Gay..."


I drove my car with all my belongings into the parking lot of a small café. I was parched after driving for so long, and decided to run in and grab a small coffee before going back on the road.

I killed the engine, stepped outside and locked the doors. I then walked to the café door as I slipped my keys in my pocket, and shoved my hands in my jean pockets, looking for some money. I couldn't help but notice this customer at the counter.

He had dark hair, with a tan skin tone, as if he tanned or something. He was wearing a dark peacoat, light tan skinny jeans, red tennis shoes, and a black scarf of some kind. I saw him turn his head slightly, and look at me out of the corner of his eye. He had freckles, dotting his face all over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose, and a few escaped down his neck.

I walked up to the counter and stood next to him. About a minute later the man working the counter came by and took my order, a small dark coffee. I looked out of my peripheral vision and kept catching that guy next to me staring right at me! I shrank under his gaze, and tried to act as if I didn't notice him. I finally was about to speak to him and say 'hi', but the man at the counter had already given him his order.

With that, the guy next to me blushed, and walked away from me, sitting at a two person table beside the front window. I then turned my attention to the man at the counter, bringing me my coffee. I took it and thanked the man for the service and sat down at the table behind the guy who was looking at me funny. We were back to back, but it seemed like he didn't notice me now.

He was using this black laptop - an expensive looking one - and I saw him look at a bunch of art stuff online. I assumed he was a student at the college I was just going to be attending. I smiled, but it then faded fast as I looked straight at my cup of coffee. Why was I watching this guy's every move? What was wrong with me? I then tried thinking of something else, and started wondering what my first school project could be.

I turned my head, deciding to finally ask the guy if he was attending an art school near here, but I saw he was no longer there. He left. I felt a pang of sadness in my chest, but I didn't think much of it. I took a sip of coffee finally, and set the cup back down and let out a sigh. I was so confused about my life right now.

Did I really want to be an artist, or did I want to be a photographer? Did I really want a roommate, or did I not want one after all? Would I like this college, or quit after a semester or a few weeks? Did I like this coffee, or did I hate it? Was I straight, or was I gay? That's right, I don't even know the answer to the last two questions. Truth is, I wasn't sure at all what I was. I guess we could settle at bisexual for now. I mean, I thought I was into girls, but something about that one guy just made me keep staring at him and I honestly didn't stop thinking about him. It sort of made me feel... Different.

I finished off my coffee and stood up. Don't worry Jean, everything will come to you sooner or later. You're just over thinking your future. You're just worried. Everything will be ok, and soon this will all just be a blur. I thought to myself as I walked out of the café and walked to my car. Just focus on the present for now.

I stood by my car door as I dug into my pockets for my keys. I then pulled them out and unlocked the car door. I got into the driver's seat and started the car up and then left the café.

I had pulled out a G.P.S., looking for the collage I was attending now. It turned out that my collage was very close to that small café! It was around a five minute drive at the most.

Once I reached the college dorms, I began feeling nervous. "What if my roommate was a total dick? What if he was super annoying? What if he was so bipolar? What if he had major anger issues? What if he was judgmental and hated my guts? I pushed those thoughts away as I grabbed all my boxes of things and walked to the dorms. Looks like I will find out in the next minute, let's just hope it all goes my way.

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