Didn't Exspect to See You Here 14

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Chapter 14- Never Thought I Would see YOU Here?

Unknown POV

Gotham, My New Home. Now I Like Cats, and I'm not scared of heights, I Kinda Like them now. But Now Lets Get back to the present, I'm Robing a Jewelry Store. I Jump Down from the Window Seal, and Landed near the Security Guard. The Girl Turned around a Pushed me down, and pulled out her gun. But When I Fall I Always Land On My Feet.

Percy POV

Killing, That Is My Life. Is it worth it. I Kill For Fun, or 'Work' Or Anyone that Disrespect Harley. Now I'm Walking around Gotham. I'm Planing to do nothing today, My Day off. I Have a white Hoodie and walked around, I May Stop and get some food, Yea That's What ima do. As I'm Walking I Hear a Voice I haven't heard in a long time. Uh I Guess I Have really gone mad. I Chuckled and Walk into a Burger Place, I got a milkshake , Blue of course , I'm not going to get out of that habit, Even if most of mine die fast. I Eat My Burger Fast and Chug the Milkshake. I Ran Out of the Store. Maybe Ill Rob a Jewery S today? Idk. I Run into a Shadow that My Head Keeps Saying 'That Bank, Go To It' So I Did as a Natural Instinct. I Shadow Traveled in the bank. I See a Guard Knocked out. I Walked towards the Broken Cases that where supposed to be full of jewels. Then I Look where they keep there Money. When I Peeked In I didn't believe what I say. I Saw My Cuz.

"Thaila?" I Mumbled Confused Thaila Turned around and Look at me Weirdly.

"Well Hello Joker." She Replied

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