After Kakashi got directions from the Leaf ninja, he set off (right after taking a weary and almost unnoticable glance at the stone), as did we, on our own separate journeys. As we grew closer, I could recognize the path I took when running away from Yosuke Takeo and his men. The stone seemed to glow even faster at the familiarity I had with my surroundings. I noticed a large gateway just a little farther up ahead as the entrance to the Aqua Village.

Gulping down air, I tried keeping a steady pace with my team, but failed. I’d either speed up and go too fast or drag on and go too slow. All my emotions were conflicted and confused. At points, I’d just want to hurry to go see my old village again, but at the same time I’m scared out of my mind to see all those bodies lying around, rotting in the dirt and in the homes of my clan.

Kakashi sensed how tense I was. “What’s wrong, Tomiko? You’re falling back again.”

I realized how far behind I was and sped up to the speed of Kakashi, running in the tree branches alongside him. “Nothing,” I replied blankly, trying to have no emotion in my voice.

“Why are you sweating so much?” Sakura inquired. “You’re wearing short sleeves and capris, and it’s not even super-hot out. Also, you’re all pale in the face.”

I wiped the sweat out of my eyes. “I’m fine, just feeling a little motion sick. I’ll be alright.”

“Okay…” Kakashi replied, unsure, turning his head back forward. We emerged from the tunnel of leaves and into the sunlight, landing silently on the ground. Before us were the gates we previously saw from far back. My throat nearly leaped into my chest when I noticed the two armor-clad guards in front, the ones that always guarded our village, in a dried-up bloody heap on the ground. Their weapons were scattered around their bodies.

I put a hand to my head. I felt dizzy. The sight of those two guards made me fear for the worst with what was to come.

"Come on," Kakashi muttered, the slightest bit disturbed. He and my teammates ventured on, and I followed far behind, trudging through the gates. I took in a breath of air when I saw the scene.

Blood covered the walls of every single building, along with villagers' bodies leaning against them. The faint smell of bloodshed still lingered in the air. On the bodies of the villagers, you could see sword slashes and stabs in multiple places. I could clearly see the feared expressions etched into the many details of their faces. It was the last feeling they had before dying: fear.

"Alright everyone, let's split up and investigate. Meet back here in an hour." We all nodded at Kakashi's orders and separated. I, of course, had troubles resisting going in the direction of my home.

My eyes stayed looking ahead, and I ran at full speed, trying to narrowly avoid looking down at the ground where the dead bodies lay scattered. I put on my best poker face, trying to stay determined for Dad. I knew he was watching; it would be too hard to resist. He couldn't help it. I don't blame him.

My house was a medium-sized hut-type house a little cast off from the rest of the village. That was good, though; it gave me much playing space as a kid and a lot of ground to use for whatever I want. We practically owned all of the property.

I examined the house that sat in front me, my house. The one I spent my whole life cooped up in, not wanting to go to ninja school or make any friends, just wanting to never grow up. I was always a daddy's girl. I didn't even move out when I turned 20, like Hisoka did.

My first weary step on the creaky porch brought up lost feelings. I felt a mix of relief, happiness, despair, and grief all at the same time. I pulled open the front door, stepping into my home and shutting the door silently behind me. The whole place was dead silent. Bloody, muddy footprints lead all throughout the house. I followed them in the direction of the kitchen.

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