Chapter Sixteen | Quidditch and Dementors

Start from the beginning

Angelina flew towards the Hufflepuff goals, the Gryffindor chasers flanking her. Ariana took her place directly below him, watching above her as Oliver way tackled. She passed the ball to Ariana, who grabbed the ball and expertly dodged the Hufflepuff who attempted to tackle her.

"Angelina Johnson passes to Ariana O'Connor using Porskoff Ploy!"

Rain continued to pour as she flew, but that never stopped her. Ariana saw two players shoot towards her, so she turned and flew towards the ground at break-neck speeds. At the last second, she pulled up and her pursuers crashed into the grass.

Finally she made it to the goals. The Keeper glared at her with playful competitiveness and determination. Ariana pushed up and stood on her broom, making sure not to fall. She pushed off of the broomstick and leaped up, smacking the Quaffle through the tallest goalpost.

With a deep breath, Ariana fired the Quaffle past the Keeper, who yelled in anger. She first pumped as the cheers multiplied, mixes with the 'awws' of the Hufflepuffs.

"Ariana O'Connor scores with a Dionysus Dive! Ten points for Gryffindor!"

George and Fred flew past her, giving her two high-five. She circled around as her teammates caught the Quaffle, but was tackled by Hufflepuff. Ariana groaned, but followed after the thief. She noticed the Bludger fly at her head, but before it could hit, George swooped in and smacked it with his bat. He then winked at Ariana and shot off, joining his brother.

Ariana quickly scanned the pitch for Harry, who had spotted the Snitch and went tearing up into the low hanging clouds.

Her hands were beginning to sting with the cold, but she never hesitated, zooming around the pitch. She cut the Hufflepuff player with the Quaffle off and punched the ball from under his arm, sending it in the direction of Katie, another Gryffindor Chaser.

She flew up to survey they field, trying to find a spot where she would be most useful.

Unfortunately, something else caught her attention.

Ice had began to form on the sleek, black handle of her broomstick, crawling up it towards her gloved hands. Her eyes began transfixed, but she soon snapped out of it when the familiar sight of two Dementors came into view.

They swooped down at her as if they were Vultures. Ariana gasped and ducked, flying off at full speed. She darted upwards into the clouds, but was only surrounded by another ten of the foul creatures.

She desperately dodged in and out of them, avoiding the dark monsters. She flew upwards, then allowed herself to drop, plummeting towards the ground.

Everyone in the vicinity gasped in horror as they saw Ariana being stalked by the twelve Dementors. She swerved around the tall spectators' towers, performing a figure-of-eight around two of them.

Despite her efforts, Ariana was surrounded, cornered as if she was a bunny rabbit and they were wolves.

Just as Dumbledore and the other Professors rose to their feet to protect their student, Ariana armed herself with her wand.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

Her saviour erupted from the end of her wand in the form of a Lion. It roared a violent roar and bounded around in midair, attacking every Dementor it saw.

The shining animal left sliver mist in its wake, growling at the Dementors as it drove them off, it claws and powerful jaws digging into the blackened flesh of the guards of Azkaban.

It quickly fended them off and Ariana got rid of the animal protector, tucking her wand away inside her robes.

The entire game had come to a standstill as everyone watched her in awe; almost every student in the school had never been able to cast a Patronus, but here was a third-year performing the charm as if it was the easiest thing on the planet.

She snapped the players out of their trance when she sped towards the Hufflepuff who had the Quaffle. He reacted within seconds, tossing the ball to his fellow Chaser.

A Gryffindor player skillfully intercepted, swooping down to grab the ball.

The thing that snapped them out of it was the horrifying sight of Harry's seemingly unconscious body plummeting towards the ground.

"Harry!" Ariana screamed as he fell from the clouds. She automatically sped towards him, hoping that he would be alright.

As she set off, lightning struck the end of her broom. She began spiraling to the ground, fire cracking behind her. The small amount of heat that emitted from the flames could not be felt, since she was rapidly decending.

She gripped onto her broom for dear life and held her breath, waiting for the impact. She shrieked when she saw what she was about to crash in to: a spectator tower, which was covered by fabric of scarlet, gold and lions.

She came off of her broom and was chucked straight into the tower. She fell behind the fabric covering, shouting in pain as her body collided with many wooden beams in the way down.

She never remembered making it down to the bottom, as her head smacked off of a beam, resulting in her unconscious body landing on the sand below.


What is the name of Fred and George Weasleys' joke shop?

A: Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes

B: Weasleys' Wizarding Joke Shop

C: A Cauldron Full of Laughs

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