4. "It's my duty from the past."

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4. "It's my duty from the past."

My head is swimming. Like that falling feeling you get in between consciousness and unconsciousness. I don't know if I'm awake now or not, because his face is hovering just above mine now, just like in many of my dreams. His turquoise eyes are focused on mine and I'm getting this refreshing feeling of warmth and coolness at the same time. I suck in a breath. It feels... good... I could be like this forever....

"...ogomay-san, Shogomay-san? Are you awake?" His face is replaced by someone else. Dr. Kurosaki, however, is not ever in my dreams. Oh God...That means I'm...

"AWAKE! I'm awake!" I sit up quickly and blush. I feel like my thoughts have been broadcasted to the whole room. It's like everyone now knows that my dreams are filled with... him. My eyes find his and we both blush harder and turn away. Ah! That jerk! He makes me so crazy! I'll show him. From this point on, that's my mission. To let good looking punks like him know that they're not God's flipping gift to man kind-

"...may-san? Shogomay-san!" It's the devil himself. I jump and we both jump back defensively. We don't want another repeat of last time. "Dr. Kurosaki went to go and get you some more medicine. I'm here to fill you in, and also... to watch over you..." he blushed again.

All the threats stopped in my head. "...to watch over you..." Someone wants to watch over me...? I look at my hands resting in the blanket. They're rough with angry red marks. Probably from earlier. Earlier... "Yagami!" I yell, trying to get out of bed. My whole body aches and my legs are like jello, but I have to see Yagami.

Before I can touch the ground, Toshiro takes two large steps over to me and grabs my hands. His hands are soft and gentle, yet firm and strong. They're cold, but in mine they feel kinda warm. He slowly intertwines his long fingers through mine. My heart beat picks up for some reason, with this small gesture. I look quickly from our hands to his eyes and back again. What's he... doing to me?

He leans closer until the back of my warm hands softly meet my chest. "Will you listen to me, Hetori?"

I shiver at the use of my name. I can only nod. He has me totally under his spell. This must be some freaky death god vodoo technique. Nevertheless...

His hands leave mine and I slowly climb back into bed. "Alright then." He starts. "Sato Yagami is just fine, thanks to you. She retained only a few minor cuts and a dislocated rib, which were both treated. And she's here. We'd, ah, like to keep this from her parents as much as we can, so we said that she's staying with you for the weekend," he trails off.

"And me?" I ask a moment later.

He seems startled. "You?... You... Shogomay-san, you..." He bows his head and punches the table next to my bed. I flinch. "Shogomay-san. Please forgive me. For once again, I was not there to protect you. I should've always been there. I shouldn't have been afraid of-"


"It's my duty from the past, Shogomay-san! To protect you!" he yelled suddenly. He looked down again. "So until your temporary lure dies down, I'll always be by your side. I promise you, Shogomay-san."

I blushed and was silent while my heart calmed. What's he doing to me? Does he have any idea how he makes my heart... dance? It... hurts... "'Temporary lure?'" I asked.

"Yes. Your contact with me 11 or so years ago seems to have endowed you with more spirit energy than usual, and hollows have been targeting you ever since. I don't know what's behind this. But I promise you, I am going to find out-"

"So you were there? 11 years ago?" I ask, clutching the blanket, my heart beating fast again.

"Well... yes-" he says cautiously.

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