Death is Only the Beginning

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"M-Mom" izuku mused, turning back to his mother with tears leaking from the corner of his eyes.

"C-Can I become a hero?" He asked, pointing ot the video of all might saving dozens with a large smile plaster on his face


"Oh Izuku" his mother hugged him once more, this time her own tears leaks as well. izuku felt empty, his hopes are gone, his heart broken, and his dreams crushed. What else could he lose?

The next day, his quirklessness caught on to the school like wildfire. His best friend started to turn on him, Katsuki Bakugou, armed with an explosion quirk that allowed him to detonate his sweat on his palms like a grenade.

The whole class turned on him, mocking him so he knows that he's useless. Speaking of which, Katsuki has created a new name for the young boy.


Aka. Useless.

It hurt, it hurt the longer it festered inside him. The years went by as Izuku didn't change, his dreams might be crushed but the boy still wanted to become a hero one way or another.

9th grade rolled by as the 15 year old-Izuku is still tormented by his peers.

The day rolled by as usual while a few insults were thrown his way before the class started.

"Good morning everyone" the teacher boredly said while the class replied. "Goodmorning sensei"

"Since you're all third years, it's time for you to think seriously about your future." The man with a brown suit and blonde hair stated in front of the class.

"I'll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but..." there was a slight pause in his speech while he held the stack of papers.

"But you're all pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?" With a toss of the papers, the class displayed their quirks for the whole world to see.

Cheers and hoorays were press while Izuku slumped down to his arms, shame engulfing him while the class showed their quirks off.

"Yes, Yes, you all have wonderful quirks!" The Teacher exclaimed.

"But using your powers at school is against the rules!"

"Teach! Don't lump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!" Katsuki said with a smug tone.

Boos and protest capsule be heard from the rest of the class before he retaliated "You should all shut up like the extras you are!"

"Oh, If I remember correctly, you want to go to U.A. High, right, Bakugou?" The teacher asked while looking at a clipnote.

"U.A? That national school?!" Pretty much the whole class asked at the same time. "It was in the top 0.2% this year, you know!"

"Their acceptance rate is really low too,you know!" The gossip continued before Katsuki butted in again.

"That's exactly why you guys are just extras! I aced the mock test! I'm the only one at this school who could possible get into U.A. I'll definitely surpass All might and become the top hero! My name will be inscribed on the list of top earners!" With a fist pump to the sky and a proud tone, Katsuki taunted the whole class.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya wanted to go to U.A., too, right?" The teacher boredly explained.

The class died down, Katsuki looked like he froze for a minute before any sound or noise ticked

Izuku deflated once the attention wring around and headed towards him.

He cringed when the bellowing laughter of the class boomed.

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