"Rise and shine, sleepy-head," he chuckled.

I choked in fear at his voice, jerking the sheet off me as I jumped out of the bed and put as much distance between us as the room would allow. "Where am I!?"

"Well, that's not a very polite way to thank someone who saved your life," he said, cocking his head to the side.

"You... you killed them all..."

"And? The world will be better off without them, anyway."

"Why did you save me?" I asked sternly.

He grinned, flashing his razor-like teeth. "Oh, I didn't save you for anything except for myself."

My face paled. "What?"

He only chuckled and began walking towards me, long arms hanging limply at his sides. There was nowhere to run. The room was void of all doors and windows. Knowing this, I could do nothing but grip the wall as the towering figure approached me.

He reached for my arm. A part of me knew I had already lost, but some kind of pride told me I wouldn't go down without a fight. I smacked his hand away and stepped forward as if trying to run somewhere. Before I could go anywhere, a harsh grasp around my waist threw me onto the bed. I tried to get up, but he caught my shoulder with his claw and threw me back down. I continued trying to helplessly jerk out of his grasp while he centered his weight on me, taking all my leverage.

Winking at me, he pulled a scarf out of his sleeve, binding my hands together and fastening them to the headboard. He gazed at me with wide eyes, running his tongue across his lips, which resembled his nose with a similar pattern of black and white stripes.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I cried.

"Because, as I said," he grinned, flashing his razor-like teeth. "My last friend was a bit of a psychopath, if I do say so myself. And it's funny. When you hear the word, you usually think of killing ruthlessly, when in fact, he had plenty of exciting traits of which I've picked up on. One of those being... lust."

Before I could react, he began his insane laughter, running his hand across my face. His finger traced the curve of my eyes down my nose to my quivering lips.

"And for the first time, I think I truly understand it. The look of fear in your eyes, the sound of your scream, even the way your entire body wracks with terror in my grip are all so... exhilarating. I want to hear them for the rest of my existence."

His face began enclosing in until his black lips met mine, firmly and roughly. I whimpered, trying to turn my head away. He responded by placing a hand on my head to keep me still, pulling me closer to him. It was such a strange sensation, to have someone kiss me as myself as opposed to a character acting on stage. However, it was a horrible sensation as well—feeling his lips move against mine in a forceful passion.

A surge went through my chest as I felt his teeth sink into them, making me gasp. He took his chance to advance further, slipping his repulsive tongue into my mouth. I let out another whine, disgusted by the action. He responded with an even greater force, shoving his tongue farther into my mouth, moving it across my own and over my teeth.

When he finally pulled away, I was gasping, crying. "Please don't do this," I whimpered. He ignored me with another wicked laugh, sliding his hand up under my nightshirt. He traced circles around my stomach, teasing me, before finally jerking the shirt over my head.

"You know Allie, I thought I knew everything about you, being so close and all, but this is a side of you I've never gotten to see before," he laughed, leaning over me again. His lips landed on my neck this time, tracing my collar bone with his tongue. "You're so easily flustered..."

Laughing Jack: Sweetheart (LEM)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora