☁ a studious boy ☁

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Edited - 02.02.18

hansol and seungkwan weren't friends.

more like acquaintances but still more, yet not quite friends.

they'd once worked together on a project, with two other people as well. they had to create a presentation about the human life cycle and how the cells in your body die and reproduce. it was when hansol had put on a pair of black framed glasses, grabbed a folder with all his notes on the topic and put out his rainbow selection of pens that seungkwan realised that hansol isn't top of the class for nothing. 

he himself is rather smart and he knew that, he took pride in it if anything, but hansol? god; hansol was smart, so very smart that he and kim namjoon from his literature class would make the best of friends.

the boy hadn't even said much while working, he had let seungkwan take control of the group and would occasionally slip him little notes, with ideas or comments on. it was as if hansol was afraid of talking. he would also do his work as it was given to him, often finishing a lot faster than seungkwan anticipated.

not to mention the fact that hansol would proof read other student's essays or assignments. for fun. it's like the boy was addicted to studying or learning in general. 

seungkwan admired it in a way, but he wasn't surprised.

to get into pledis university you couldn't just be anyone, you had to be someone. or you had to be rich. but for most of it all the students were almost genius' in their own ways, and the school was very competitive meaning it was hard to make your stand and to prove yourself.

seungkwan was rich, yes, but he was also smart. he finished highschool at the age of 15 and they sent him of to pledis to continue his education there. seungkwan wasn't fucking around when it came to school. but he wasn't the most focused student either.

he took school seriously yeah, but he knew if it didn't work out or if he wanted to he didn't have to continue. he had his family to carry him. seungkwan was never too fond of that however, he saw it as lazy to let your family's riches carry you through life. and seungkwan loved to prove himself so why miss the opportunity

seungkwan knew that hansol was different however, he knew enough snobby rich kids to know that somehow hansol wasn't quite one of them.

he'd also heard that hansol was a student that got in through a scholarship, which he accepted but asked to do the admission test anyways.

seungkwan knew this for sure, it was the talk of the university last year.

hansol had scored a 98% on the exam which was the highest they'd ever gotten in the past 10 years.

seungkwan himself never did the exam, he was also a scholarship student in one or the other form so his parents, with the greatest pride, let him sit it out.

nevertheless, seungkwan knew that hansol was a nice guy, the few times they had worked together or the time when seungkwan lost his notes and hansol helped him rewrite them, as well as help him understand them better. 

a part of seungkwan ached to know hansol better but he also knew that that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. it's not like he hasn't tried, he had invited hansol to hang out with him on multiple occasions or go to lunch with seungkwan and his friends but hansol never took him up on it.  

seungkwan didn't really know who hansol was, not really, all he really knew was his name, the fact that he had a nice accent and that he was a fucking genius.

is that a proper excuse for why seungkwan wants to know him so much better?

maybe it really was a lost cause.

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