Final Chapter

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As John started falling off the bridge after seeing Alexander die, the world turned grey, then it went a deep mauve until finally darkness.

A scream pierced through the silence of the night as Martha Washington bolted up covered in sweat in her bed. She was shaking and looked at her surroundings.

Beside her was her husband, George was sleeping peacefully but sometimes an expression would appear on his face. Crashing came from downstairs as Lafayette ran up from the basement.

"Maman!" He had tears in his eyes as he walked over to the bed and hugged Martha. The two were joyful that they were both at home where they were loved and not in a cemetery.

After a about two hours George fell off the bed startled. Martha noticed and peered over the edge to look at him. "George are you alright?" His eyes skirted around the room, trying to focus whether or not this was real or if it was heaven.

Laf sat on the end of the bed away from the couple in order to give them space. "Martha... Is-is it really you?" George reached out a hand and cupped her cheek. Martha softy smiled and told George to come back to bed. "That was one hell of a dream..." George nodded and climbed in bed, holding Martha close to him. "Laf vient ici." Martha waved him over and the three of them all were a happy little family. "Oh and the adoption agency called back, we're getting the baby."

About 100 metres away Maria fell out of her bed, she had a splitting head ache and her ears were ringing. She had no idea what time it was but that didn't matter all that mattered was living and living was what Maria was.

(lmao splitting, head, like Theo hahah)

She turned to see Peggy looking at her confused, a book in hand. "Love are you alright?" Maria shook it off and nodded slowly. "I'm fine babe, I just had a dream..." Peggy set down her book and hugged her girlfriend. "Was it a dysphoria dream or something worse?" Maria thought for a moment before replying. "Much worse" the two held each other for a while before going to the kitchen to make some pasta at three am.

Aaron woke up screaming, there was no light on where he was and he started to hyperventilate. A soothing hand on his back brought him away from his breakdown. He heard a baby cry and stood up, walking towards the sound he saw a baby girl and sighed in relief.

"I'm alright, it was a dream and now I'm with my Theodosias" Aaron picked up his daughter and carried her back to the bed, where he fell back asleep with the baby on his chest.

The sound of a sewing machine pulled Angelica out of her dream state. She found out that she wasn't dead and rolled off her bed to go eat cereal. Herc was giving her quizzical looks because it's 3 am.

James sat up after dying? And couldn't see anything. "Oh god I'm blind!" He fell off the bed and turned on the lamp in the process. "Wait no I'm not, Whoo!"

Thomas was sweating like crazy when he awoke, his chest stung as if he had really been shot so he looked at it and saw his kitten had scratched him. He shook his head and went over the fact that he had dreamt about having sex with Alexander.

"Why, why must you do this to me brain?" He looked to his left and saw James reading and doing other things that people with tier vision did.

Thomas also realized that dream Angelica was a murderer and was kinda spooked by that now.

"I should call everyone and see if they had any strange dreams" so that's what Thomas did.

Alexander woke up really confused, but aren't I dead? He saw John sleeping next to him and was even more confused. I thought i was dating Thomas what? Omg has this been Lams the whole time?? Alex knows all the ship names so yes shut up.

He tackled John but then got a phone call from Thomas about weird dreams and gasped. "Oh my god I had a sexual dream..." He got dressed and left John note about how he was just meeting with everyone and that he loved him.

AN: eyyyy I'm finally done the book and actually going to start my oneshot book as soon as I finish the cover for it. lol bye friends I'll update to say what the new book is called later :D

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