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She could spot Stan's curly mess of dirty blond hair from across the diner. Jumping up in glee, she speed-walked toward the boy, passing by an older couple sitting in one of the booths, and casually slid down across from him. He looked up from the book he was reading, smiling brightly at the girl.

"Jay! How was the Big Apple?" He asked, closing the book and pushing it to the side. Jaime recognized it as the Hebrew bible Stan's father had him study.

"I never thought I'd ever say this, but not nearly as good as Derry." She admitted, tapping her nails against the diner table while her other hand propped up her head.

"Weird." Stan chuckled. The waitress then came by, clutching a notepad and a pen.

"What can I get you?" She asked, loudly chewing a pink piece of gum.

"Two chocolate milkshakes." Stan spoke. He and Jaime shared a knowing glance before she spoke up as well,

"And a large order of fries."

"Coming up." She responded before strutting off to the kitchen.

"So, still haven't talked to the guys?" Jaime asked.

"No, I do miss them, though. I've talked to Richie here and there, but he spends an unhealthy amount of time at the arcade." Stan shrugged. Richie had briefly mentioned how he wanted to get a highscore in some game at the arcade. One time he spent so long there that the workers had to kick him out for hogging the machine.

"I'm glad you're talking to me." She said softly with a bashful smile on her face. He returned her smile before they began talking about anything and everything- comic books, New York, movies. Finally, their order arrived, so they grew silent as they stuck fries in their mouth and sipped their milkshakes. Though, because Stan claimed he'd vomit, Jaime was not allowed to dip fries in her milkshake.

Barely even 20 minutes later, two empty glasses of chocolate remains sat between the two. Jaime stuffed the last fry in her mouth and groaned.

"I'm so full."

"I could probably roll down the street." Stan responded with a sick moan as his head laid on the table.

"Your total will be $11.26." A voice said impatiently. Jaime pulled a crumpled five dollar bill and a one dollar bill out of her pocket and tossed them onto the table. Stan mirrored her actions, then the waitress left. Once she had given them their change and each a little peppermint, they both stood.

"I can ride home with you." Stan offered. Jaime nodded.

"Sure. Wait, you have a little something..." She reached over and grabbed a stray napkin from the table and wiped it above his upper lip where a smudge of chocolate had been. His face flushed red under the contact.

"Sorry." She apologized with a smile before tossing the napkin back onto the table. "Shall we go?"

"Lets." They linked arms, giggling like schoolgirls.

Although Jaime had a great time with Stan, she couldn't help but feel extremely anxious on her way home. He was right next to her though, ranting on about some superhero in a comic. A very heavy feeling weighed down her stomach like she had swallowed a brick. She kept expecting something to jump out at her, despite it still being broad daylight. That proved not to mean much, though, after the whole well house situation.

They arrived at her home a few minutes later. Jaime leaned her bike against the side of her home before giving Stan a small hug. "Thank you for everything, Stan, I do appreciate it."

"You deserve it." He replied with a cheeky grin and a shrug. She smiled and nudged his shoulder before walking off to her house, the faint noises of Stan riding off behind her.


Something was jabbing Jaime in the cheek uncomfortably. She tried to press her cheek against her pillow, but the poking moved to her other cheek. She groaned and sleepily swat the hand away. It was far too early in the morning for this type of torment.

"Hnnnngh...stop it. It's so early..." She mumbled out.

"It's nearly noon, Jay. We stayed up til three last night watching the music channel." She heard her brother say. She finally opened her eyes to see him sitting on her bed.

"So? What do you want?" She asked with a snap. She did not appreciate being woken up so annoyingly.

"Denbrough is on the phone downstairs. He sounded really urgent, too. I think you should at least see what he wants." Victor responded with a shrug before standing and leaving. Jaime tore the covers off of herself and walked downstairs, confusion clouding her already foggy mind. Bill hadn't talked to her in ages. Why would he, after the way she treated him at the house on Neibolt? She had been extremely upset, of course, but she barely meant what she was saying. She did desire to help him and Beverly. She just didn't have enough faith in herself.

"Hello?" She greeted once she picked up the yellow phone.

"Jay, I really need help." Bill rushed out, his heavy breathing making crackling noises on the phone.

"Yes, yes, what is it?" She asked, leaning against the kitchen wall.

"Beverly. S-She's...missing. Beverly i-is missing and I don't k-know what the fuck to d-do-"

"Calm down, calm down." Jaime soothed, despite her own heart rate now picking up. "What do you mean she's missing?"

"We had plans t-to go back to the Quarry t-today but s-she never met me a-a-and I went to her house and s-she isn't there bu-but her dad i-is laying unconscious on the f-floor." He explained. With every word, Jaime's bones trembled a little more. She put her hand to her forehead and sighed shakily, now sliding down the kitchen wall.

"What could've happened?"

"I-I have a sus-suspicion it's...the c-c-clown." He admitted feebly.

Jaime swallowed the acid in her throat. "Yeah. Yeah, me too. I'll meet you at Neibolt."

"Hurry." He said, before the line went dead. Jaime clutched the phone in her hands, staring at nothing in particular. This was operation do or die, and Jaime was determined to battle it out until death.

A/N: WE ARE SO CLOSE TO THE GOOD STUFF. it felt necessary for me to portray how close Jaime and Stan are bc...well...he deserves better. i think we can all agree on that. ANYWAY, i reached 500 votes which actually made me cry a lil??? i also try to respond to as many comments as possible, but sometimes they get lost in my notifications so i can't respond to all unfortunately. BUT I STILL APPRECIATE THEM ALL NONETHELESS.

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