Chapter 3

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It's nighttime at Camp Campbell, and Eva and David were just finishing up their rounds.

"Ahhh... another wonderful day at Camp Campbell," David says, "All that's left to do now is recharge with a full eight hours of lying in bed... Awake! Waiting for tomorrow!"

Eva looks at him strangely, "The fact that that works for you is amazing," she says, not knowing whether she should be freaked out or impressed. David looks at her, confused,

"What do you mean, Eva?" He asks.

"I'm just saying that lying in bed awake doesn't work for everyone." Eva replies.

"Oh, is that why you and Gwen close your eyes?"

'Is... is he serious?' She thinks, "Yes, it's called sleeping."

"Huh... interesting."

'... My god...,' Eva thinks incredulously, "Anyway, you go on ahead. I'm gonna do one more round before turning in for the night."

"Are you sure?" David asks, "I can come with you if you'd like?"

"No, I'll be fine," Eva replies.

"Okay, see you in the morning!"

"Mmhmm, see you then."

David walks off towards the counselors cabin, and Eva walks towards the tents. Neither counselor notices the four small figures dashing down to the pier.

"Alright guys, our first attempt to bust out of this god-forsaken hellhole didn't work," Max announces to the three kids in front of him, "But tonight's going to be different,"

"Better not be the dumb 'jump-on-the-bus-and-leggo' plan again, because that obviously didn't work out," Karma says.

Max rubs his temples in annoyance while Nikki and Neil stifle a laugh.

"It's not that, I have a secret weapon this time," Max says, "Billy Nikssilp,"

Right on cue, a short big kid walks up to the bundle, a candy cane hanging from his mouth. "Call me 'Snake'," He says.

Karma tries so hard not to laugh at him. 'Is Max..SERIOUS?!'

"He's ex-wood scouts, and He's one of the best," Max says confidentially, "Isn't that right, Billy?"

'Holy shit he is!'

"Got my search-and-rescue badge in two weeks. Got my wilderness survival in one," 'Snake' says dramatically, taking a bit from the candy cane.

"That's amazing!" Nikki says, impressed.

Snake sighs, "I never had a choice,"

"The wood scouts are some of the most intense, militant campers in Lake Lilac," Max says, "Billy here escaped,"

"Then, what's he doing helping us?" Karma asks, suspicious.

"I'm not doing this for YOU, I made a vow," Snake says, making it sound like a big deal. They guessed it was for the wood-scouts, but it left an unnerving silence between them.

"O..kay?" Karma says.

"Let's get in the boat!" Neil suggests.

Everyone nods and gets on the boat. Snake starts moving them away from Camp Campbell, and into Lake Lilac.

As they continued sailing across the lake, Neil decided to break the silence,

"So..what are you gonna do on the outside?" He asks.

"Probably live with the animals." Nikki replies. "Try and get raised by wolves, maybe make my way up to alpha. Pee on stuff," she looks over to the other four. "What about you guys?"

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