The Siren By Christine McMahon ~ S.H.I.E.L.D And Loki FanFic

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She walked down the hall of S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, in front of her was a lot of men, they were heading in the opposite direction. She couldn't really see past them but had a feeling that something or someone was in the middle of the crowd. As they passed she took another peak to see if she could make out anything, there was someone, a man. His hair long and jet black, he wore leather, a lot of it with a hint of green. He seemed familiar but it wasn't someone she had dealt with before and she couldn't quite put her finger on where she had seen him before but also felt she was about to find out. She walked into a room to her left, there was a big screen on the wall and a long table with a few chairs placed around it, looked like she was the last of the party to arrive. There was a few blank looks at her and the rest sighed rolling there eyes. Stark, Widow and Barton knew her but the rest just looked around for answers then Captain Rodgers asked.

"So anyone going to tell us who blondie is?" His expression completely confused as he wasn't expecting anyone else.

"Why is she here? There is nothing for her to do on this case" Widow pointed out to Director Fury, he just looked at them unsurprisingly then back at her standing at the door.

"I am known as The Siren, but my friends call me Alisa. And yes Widow there probably isn't anything I can do on this case... Why am I here Fury? The other kids don't want to play nice".

Director Fury let out a small sigh.

"On him personally, no you probably can't do anything but you can help. You are here to be another pair of eyes, we need eyes on him 100% of the time and find out what you can about him, We need to find out what he is thinking, what his plan is, even if that means asking Thor questions".

He just nodded towards Thor to cooperate with her and he also just nodded in return.

"All right then so everyone ready to get started?"

Fury said in a sarcastic chirpy tone and clapped his hands together. Fury watched as everyone left the room, the only ones to stay were Alisa and Thor.

"I know you like to work on your own, so I'm going to ask now, do you want to talk to Thor now or later? Also if you find anything you think we should know then you know where to find me" Fury said to her.

"I will take down a few notes now and if I need anything further I shall come find you" she said as she looked at both men. Thor just stood with his arms folded.

"All right fine, shall we begin?" Thor finally said. Director Fury nodded at them as he left the room closing the door behind him. Thor took a seat and she slid a near by note book that was left lying on the table towards a place next to him before sitting in the chair next to him.

"So, is there anything you think I should know first? I need to know as much about him as you can give me." She looked at him with innocence in her eyes trying to get his trust.

"You have a beautiful voice, do me a favour and stay away from my brother he will take an interest in you." She blushed ever so slightly that it would be hard to tell.

"Well, I'm flattered but none of you are my type" as she gave him a quick smirk before writing down he was his brother.

"I was being honest I was not suggesting anything" Thor replied as he lounged back in his seat. She wanted to know more about why he thought that Loki would be interested in her but this wasn't about her, the target was Loki and it had to stay that way. The room was silent after that but then Thor found her eyes and stared at her waiting.

"What happened Thor? Start at the beginning" She said as she gave a heavy sigh. He then leaned forward with his elbows rested on this knees and his head nested in his hands, then he went on to talk about Asgard and how they were brought up as well as how his father had come to banish him to earth. He then continued on even though some parts of the story were too much for him to handle and others he didn't quite understand, like the parts that involved his brother Loki. Just listening to the story made it sound like he was coo-coo for coco pops. But besides that she just didn't understand why all of a sudden a good boy, a good man, would just snap into crazy mode like that.

She must have been making a face because Thor stopped the story.

"Are you all right?" he asked.

"Yeah, sorry I was just thinking... I was listening but thinking. You and Loki seemed so close what happened? He couldn't have just gone this crazy for no reason. What happened with you guys?" She looked at him with a saddened face.

Thor sat back and folded his arms again "I do not know, Loki just turned against me, he hates me now. I find it hard to except that it is just because of his parentage and that he is a frost giant. I would not have treated him any different as he has always been my brother" Alisa smiled softly at him.

"A frost giant? What are they?" She asked him slightly curious.

"They are Giant beings from another realm. Nothing but trouble and we classed them as Monsters as children. My brother is not like them, they have blue skin and red eyes".

She paused for a second and thought "Monsters?" Can't imagine he likes that much. "Doesn't look like Loki has blue skin or red eyes and he may be tall but certainly not a giant". Thor was still looking at her and watching her write things down.

"I have not seen it personally but I have been told he can make it so" She wrote that down then looked back at Thor.

"Okay so I guess the fact they are giants and have blue skin and Red eyes is how the monster stories came about, Right?" She asked him.

"Yes. But what has this to do with Loki? He is not one of them he was raised in Asgard as part of our family" He replied.

She looked at him slightly surprised.

"Okay well you were taught this and heard stories. And I'm guessing something like if you don't go to sleep the Frost giants will come and get you? Am I right?" Thor nodded his head slightly still a bit confused. "Yes something on those lines, yes".

She just nodded back "Mmhmm, And Loki has found out he is one of them, I'm thinking he thinks that if he is one of them then he has to act like them. He is a monster that is supposed to kill recklessly and be the bogeyman. I think he is torn in between being raised in Asgard and being a monster".

Thor raised a confused eyebrow "I do not understand, he is not one of them and the bogeyman?". She shook it off "Doesn't matter it's a mortal thing, Did you even stop to think this is how he is feeling? That he feels he is a monster there for he acts like one?" She asked him.

Thor looked as though now he was considering it. She sat and watched him looking slightly lost in thought.

"Sorry if I said something I shouldn't have, I'm not taking his side I'm just trying to put the pieces together" Thor snapped out of it and shook his head "No, I needed to hear it and if that is all I'd like to leave now" He watched her.

She thought for a second, if she did need anything else she would find him but she thought she should go over some other things and just nodded yes in reply, Thor stood from his chair and headed for the door. He closed the door behind him and she just sat still staring at the words in front of her, she then walked over to the computer and turned it on. Straight away the camera feed to the cell Loki was in appeared on screen and it was the only thing she could get. She had brought what she needed with her anyway. She adjusted the desks so that she could keep an eye on Loki while doing research on him...........

The Siren ~ S.H.I.E.L.D And Loki FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now