Chapter 41

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Ari grabs her purse and Harry's keys, she then walks into the livingroom where he and Eddie were watching Disney movies. "I'm heading out." She says, kissing Eddie on the top of the head. "Want me to bring back lunch?"

Harry shakes his head. "Nope, Eddie and I are making lunch, right sport."

"Yep, daddy says we're going to surprise you wif somefin. So go way. But be careful. Love you mommy." Eddie says.

Ari laughs, kissing Eddie again. "Okay, be good." She says as she walks out the door. Ten minutes later Ari parks Harry's vehicle in the, agreed upon, parking lot of the nail solon. As soon as she walks in Anne pulls her into a hug.

"I've missed you so much." Anne says. "I wish you'd have brought my grandson with you." She says as she turns her loose.

"Sorry." Ari says as she gives Gemma a hug. "He's with Harry."

"I thought I recognized that Range Rover when you pulled in." Gemma says as the walk toward the others. "That's Harry's isn't it?"

"Yeah, there was an incident with my car last night. He's letting me borrow his." Ari says. "So while I'm here he's with our son."

"You have a son?" Ari hears behind her, causing her and all the others to turn and see Amber, Taylor's sister, standing there.

"I do have a son, he's almost two. He's a very smart little boy." Ari says.

Amber just looks at Ari for a second. "Who is the dad? From what I remember when you left here you claimed you were so in love with Harry you couldn't stand to see him with my sister, Taylor, the girl he truly loved. That's why you left town isn't it?" Amber says loud enough for everyone to hear. "You obviously didn't love him that much if you can run home and fuck the first guy you meet and have a kid."

"You know what, Amber, think what you want." Ari says. "I don't owe you any explanations, we're not friends, never have been. Now if you'll excuse me, we have things to do, and I have a son to get home to." She says, Ari then turns and walks away. Just as she's about to sit down her phone rings. "Hello?"

"Somebody isn't used to being away from mommy that much." Harry says. "Eddie had decided he wants to come watch you get your nails done, so heads up, superman is flying through the door soon." Harry laughs.

"Wait, how did you get here? I have your car." Ari says as she turns toward the door to see Eddie running across the parking lot with Harry right behind him.

"Louis. Called him." Harry says as he looks right at her.

"Mommy, I missed you." Eddie cries. "Daddy is fun, but we wanted to spend the day wif you." He giggles.

Ari looks back up at Harry. "Shame on you." She laughs as she picks Eddie up. "I miss you too, so I guess while you're here you can visit with Gammy and Aunt Gemma." She says.

Amber stands off to one side, watching everything, as soon as the small child ran into the solon everyone started paying attention, because Harry also came in behind him. It was only when one of the ladies mentioned how much the child looks like Harry that makes Amber pay more attention to what's being said.
"Unbelievable." Amber says stepping forward, causing Eddie to reach for Harry. "I guess the rumors are true. She did have your brat. After years of Taylor begging you for a child, and you saying no, you get her pregnant."

"Stop, right there." Harry says, taking Eddie from Ari, feeling him tuck his face in his neck. "Never call my son a brat. Another thing, Taylor never wanted kids, I was the one who wanted them." Harry snaps. "She had her tubes tied when we were dating back in college. I didn't find this out until after she'd gotten married. I asked what she would do if she found out she was pregnant due to certain activities that had taken place the night before she left, and yes she was married at the time, which I didn't know. She told me then she didn't want kids, never planned on having them." Harry says. "So don't stand there and try to make me out to be the bad guy here. It won't work, your sister was nothing but a lying cheat. Yes I'm sorry she's dead, but I'm not sorry she's out of my life." Harry says.

"How can you say that? You loved her, I know you did." Amber cries. "She told me, the day she was killed, she told me she'd just got off the phone with you. You told her you were glad Ari left, that you two could be together. It made me so mad when she said she was going to marry David anyway, just to punish you for even thinking you could replace her." Amber yells. "I didn't see the car when I pushed her, I didn't know she was going to trip and stumble into the street and get hit like that."

"Amber, Taylor lied." Ari says. "It wasn't Harry she spoke to on the phone. It was me. I told her I'd moved away, that she could have him if she wanted him, to stop playing her games. I was the one who told her Harry loved her, she lied to you." Ari says.

"Amber, I'm sorry. I stopped caring for Taylor a long time ago, it just took my head to catch up with my heart." Harry says. "It's Ari I love, and I have for years, she and Eddie are all that matters to me now, they're my family." He says.

Nancy, Amber's mom, walks up, wraps her arm around her daughter and looks at Harry. "I'm so sorry for everything this family has caused you. Hopefully this will end here. Good luck." She whispers as she leads her daughter out the door, not giving Harry time to respond.

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