I Am...

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I may not be the girl with the long gorgeous hair with the perfect smile and eyes that sparkle. The girl everyone loves and who never lets anyone down. That wears the amazing expensive outfits. Who never makes a mistake. The perfect girl in a society where you have to weigh a certain weight, wear the name brand clothes, listen to the popular music, and do everything perfectly without any failure. A society that destroys so many people for not looking or acting a certain way. The people that are truly amazing and unique. Someone who can be screaming out for help and ready to break but hides it behind a smile.

I'm the girl who constantly dyes her hair, isn't the skinniest or prettiest person in the world... Who wears the dirty converse and tee shirts instead of heals and skirts. Someone who plays video games and listens to pop punk and hardcore music. A girl who skateboards and hangs out with guys instead of shopping and gossiping with a clique. I'm a person that makes too many mistakes to fix and has let everyone down, who has a hard time with friendships. Someone who has given up on a lot because of being called names and made to feel worthless, as if I was constantly dragging a ball and chain, with each insult hurting like a knife. A person that has never had a first kiss or boyfriend. Doesn't know what it feels like to have the butterflies in her stomach because of a boy. To get nervous over a boy or a date. A girl who has a past and constantly makes a fool of herself. Someone who doesn't have a plan for life, or where she's going.

But having no idea of where you're headed is the best because when you just go with no plans you can have the time of your life going to new places and meeting new people. Living in the moment instead of always planning. A girl that elders look down upon and your parents warn you about. Constantly being let down but still has a slight hope for the better because things change, friends come and go, and life never stops to for anyone. A stranger to everyone, someone no one wants to know. One of the misfit toys of society. And all too soon this life will just become a story that will never be told...

We are who we are for many reasons... No one knows why, and maybe we never will know. Maybe it's one of those things you can never truly find an answer to. Just because we can't choose who we really are and where we come from doesn't mean we can't change where we go and be happy for being the way we are. Forgetting about the people who never noticed, forgot, or made fun of you, and remembering the people who always cared, and the times where you felt free. The times you wouldn't change for the world... I'm not perfect, nowhere near it but I never have been and I never will be and personally I wouldn't want it to be any other way. I am who I am and nothing can change that.

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