A Tour Miss?

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Chapter 2 – A Tour Miss?

‘Here I am,’ thought Mikaila, ‘Who would have thought I would be front row at a Rammstein concert!?’ Mikaila looked to her right where her brother Jake stood, then to her left where her best friend Kiera had her camera up filming the show. “Ich Habe Keine Lust! Ich Habe Keine Lust! Ich Habe Keine Lust! Nein! Ich Habe Keine Lust!” Mikaila shouted along with thousands of others, then preceded to scream as Till took over. Head banging and rocking out she watched as he made his way to stage left, where she was only ten feet away. It was then that their eyes met.


“Miss? Hallo miss?”

Mikaila groggily opened her eyes to find the cabby standing at her door holding it open. She sat up quickly looking around, realizing they were parked outside a large mansion of a house, it was a tan color with a brown clay roof and beautiful landscaping that consisted of trees flowers and little trails this way and that through the forest on either side.

Mikaila half stumbled out of the car, grabbing the inner handle to keep her balance, the cabby taking hold of her right arm to help keep her from falling on her face.

“Thanks,” she mumbled standing straight up into a stretch reaching her arms to the sky and letting out a big yawn. Relaxing back down from her tiptoed stretch, her heels coming back to the gravel that made up the driveway. The cabby had made his way to the trunk and was pulling her bags out and stacking them on the ground. Turning back towards the front of the house, Mikaila jumped, startled, when she noticed the man standing in front of her only a few yards away.

He was a large man, at least 6’3” built like an ox, his muscular form showing through his black long-sleeve shirt. It wasn’t a tight shirt by any means, it was well fit, he was simply that built. The rest of his attire was compiled of dark blue jeans, black shoes, and a silver watch on his right wrist. His head was shaved bald though judging by his eyebrows and goatee his hair would have been black had he had any. He was older than her, in his late twenties, early thirties if she had to guess.

Mikaila looked up and met his dark blue eyes with her brown ones.

“You are the new housekeeper eh?” he asked in a deep rumbling voice with just a hint of an accent.

“Er, yeah, Mikaila Kaycee,” she managed to stutter, then smiled and held out her hand.

“Bruno Kempf,” he replied shortly, taking her fingers into his hand delicately leaning forward slightly and nodding his head. She was slightly surprised he didn’t just give her a handshake and rip her arm off in the process, he was so big, well she was thankful he hadn’t done so nonetheless.

“Follow me I’ll show you to your room,” Bruno said, bending to pick up most of her things, leaving her only her night-case to carry.

They walked through the large dark burgundy doors into the foyer. Mikaila’s jaw nearly dropped, and she had only seen a small fraction of the house; the front entrance. The foyer consisted of dark blue marble floors, walls with gold wallpaper that glinted with blue pearl in the intricate design. A grand chandelier hung overhead where two staircases began and wound up each side of the room to the second floor.

‘It’s like a scene from Beauty and the Beast in here,” Mikaila thought to herself recalling one of her favorite Disney movies.

“To your right is the dining room,” Bruno began pointing to a room through a large archway where a dining table could be partially seen, “To your left is the study which you may go through to get to a bedroom and the gym. However your room is through here,” he said making his way up the step between the staircases and off into what looked to be a living room. It had a large fire place on one side that had leather lounging furniture neatly placed around it. On the opposite side of the room from where they entered were two hallways leading from either side, and a circular nook of windows with a beautiful black grand piano in the middle.

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