A Good Little Sister

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(I can't remember or find the chapter, but somewhere I wrote that Jillian took Luna by force, so continuing from that.)

"The Twin Exorcists are finally reunited! Isn't that great? I really want to go meet her! I mean, she'll be the carrier of Miko!" A young, brown haired girl was excitedly chattering to a girl who was slightly taller than her and had red, long hair. "But when I went before, Sir Kwan told me I couldn't meet her yet..." The seemingly 11 year old girl huffed in an annoyed way.

"Didn't Jillian have to forcefully bring her here? The way I see it, she's a traitor. She ran away and worked for a different race." The red haired girl said with a rude spat, seeming to dislike her. "I've never met her, but she doesn't deserve all the praise she gets."

"You're just jealous, Ruth!" The younger girl slightly teased her. "But... So am I! I mean, who wouldn't want all that attention and power?"

Ruth crossed her arms. "I wouldn't, not if I had to screw my own brother." She mumbled those words so the little girl didn't hear them. "Why are you even bothering me? Don't you have training to do?" She then brought up.

The girl named Holly seemed disappointed by the reminder. "Training's so boring though! I want to actually go to Magano and exorcise some Kegare!"

"You're too young." Ruth commented back as if she heard this so many times already.

"I'm practically the same age as you! I mean look at our heights!" This made Ruth quite annoyed because she hated it when someone brought up her height. "I'm almost the same height as you."

"Appearance doesn't matter, only age and experience!" Ruth snapped at the smaller girl. "Now go on! Go play with your sisters if you don't want to train!" Holly rolled her eyes but soon disappeared elsewhere. "... Damn children."

Somewhere else in the castle, in a nice bedroom, was Luna with a red haired male. The male had the purple haired female pinned against the wall, and was making out with her quite forcefully. Luna was struggling, but couldn't do much since her talismans were taken away and the male's physical strength exceeded hers. "Lunar... You have no idea how much I've missed you..." He finally pulled away to give them a chance to breathe.

Lunar panted in an uncomfortable way, trying to shove him off, only to fail. "I haven't missed you... Not in this way... You're my brother, my twin, I don't want to do this, Solar...-" But she was cut off by another kiss from her brother.

"Now, Lunar... Now that you're finally back, we have to get married quickly... I can't have you trying to run away again..." He quietly said in the kiss, pushing his body close to hers against the wall. He tried to make out with her again, only for Lunar to bite his tongue, causing him to pull back. "... Have you gotten feisty? I can accept that..."

Lunar shook her head immediately. "No, this is wrong, don't you see...! Just because Sir Kwan says we're the twin Exorcists, it doesn't mean we have to comply!" Solar paused at her words before speaking.

"You're the one who's wrong... It's fate." He explained with a bit of a wicked smile. "After we were separated as children... We grew up differently... And then fate brought us back together by telling us we belong together!" Suddenly the bedroom door was loudly opened, as if whoever had opened it had no care for their disruptiveness. Solar was quite annoyed by this so in a rude tone he yelled at whoever it was, "How dare you just barge in here while-...!" But he stopped mid-sentence when he turned to see who was there.

A girl with long black hair and blue eyes stood there, with a plain yet sort of serious expression. She took a glance towards Lunar but didn't do anything about her position; it was like she expected it to be this way. "Sir Kwan has asked that you don't do anything rash with her yet. He believes you should give her time to rest and wait until marriage."

Solar looked discouraged, but didn't disobey. Instead, he threw Lunar onto his bed and used one of his talisman to prevent her from disappearing. "... Tell Sir Kwan I'll obey, but I'd like the marriage to be soon." He said with a bit of a huff, since he wanted to do things with his sister.

"Is 200 years soon enough for you?" The female suggested.

"No way! Like... Tomorrow!" He complained.

"Then I'll tell Sir Kwan your request." The female stated before turning to leave.

Lunar called out to her before she could go, "Wait, Margaret...! Let me... Let me speak to your father!" Solar wasn't too happy with her words and the female named Margaret paused.

"I'll tell Sir Kwan your request." Margaret replied.

"I'd like to personally deliver the request to your fath...- ... Sir Kwan." Lunar instead said.

"I'll tell Sir Kwan your request." She repeated in a more serious tone, turning to glance at them both, before finally disappearing.

Solar now turned back towards Lunar, who ended up locking eyes with him. "... I suppose we'll have to wait until we're married to do anything. But getting adjusted to my lover's mouth doesn't seem too rash, does it?" Lunar immediately put out her hands to stop him, but he just grabbed them.

"Solar, I...-!" But she was silenced by another kiss which slowly turned into a make out. His tongue entered her mouth, rubbing all around her mouth in a sensitive but pleasuring way, before eventually rubbing against her tongue. It wasn't as enjoyable one-sided, but it still sn't as bad.

"There's nothing... You can do... Lunar..." Solar managed to get out those words, as Lunar panted a bit every time he took a break. "All you can do... Is give in... And be mine... Like a good little sister..."

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