Chapter 2 The Return

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"Son I know your confused and most likely scared. But I assure you there is nothing to worry about." Mr Wheeler said before all vert could see was pitch black and starting to hear faint voices calling his name. He thought he heard karma and then opened his eyes."Karma?"he questions with a whisper." Vert its ok you're safe now"Karma said with a soft soothing tone. Vert looked around seeing different people, trying to collect his bearings.

First he saw Kert, Taro, Lani, and then Nolo. And man was he happy to see them he thought to himself. "Hey what happened to you man, you look awful?" Nolo said once vert was walking towards the sweeper."Nah, You wouldn't believe me"vert sounded unsure when he says this and a worried look to show he was scared to say.

"It's ok what ever happened with you can't really top the fact that we were racing through different dimensions" Kurt said. "Well when me and sparky went through the portal to go back to the Exeledome, we somehow ended up in the Silencerz HQ. Then..." Vert started to tear up at the fact that his dad was the enemy." Vert its ok, you can tell us"Kurt said to reassure his friend in need.

"My dad was there and ..... He was the leader, but he told me not to worry but that's all I can remember" everyone didn't know what to say, they have met verts dad before and he did not approve of them. They were all now in the sweeper." Its ok vert, it'll be ok we're all here for you"Kurt said holding vert in his arms shushing him until he calmed down.

Finally when vert stopped crying he was now asleep on kurt's chest.

"So how is he?" Shiroko finally asked. Everyone was a little surprised that he had spoken but, agreed and all looked at Kurt." I think he will be ok, but he needs time to acknowledge that this is real". He was now looking down on the person he loved. Yet he was scared to tell. It was now night in the desert, you could hear the creatures that crawled at this time. Everyone was now laying down to rest, but one.

To Be Continued

That's all I got
for now but soon
my kitties,

- KatDaddy

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