Chapter 1 The Begining

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"Son we have to talk." Mr Wheeler said to a very confused Vert. "Dad? Whats going on? Where am I? Why am I her-" He was cut off by his dad saying " I will explain everything but first you need to tell me something." Mr Wheeler said with a annoyed tone in his voice. "Okay" Vert said with a quiver.


Meanwhile In the Sweeper

"Where are we all going to sleep, its getting dark and I'm cold?" Said Lani with her attitude as usual. "We just have to sleep on the floor and deal with the cold its not like we're going to die of freezing to death." Taro said in annoyance of her question. Karma walks over to the group and hands Lani her jacket. "Karma you don't have to Ill be okay with what I've got" Lani said trying not to anger karma like she did earlier." Just take it, your only wearing coveralls and a T-shirt and I don't want to hear your whining anymore." Lani looked offended but didn't say anything for she didn't want to start a fight with the stronger woman. So Lani put on karma's jacket while she walked away to the opening of the sweeper and just looked at the disappearing horizon.

"Sorry she's like that" Karma just jumps at the intruders words and turned around only to knock taro over on his back with a loud thump." Oh Taro I'm sorry I didn't know it was you. You scared me." She helped him to his feet and he accepted her apology. "So she's always like this or just now, when she wants the attention?" She asked sarcastically. "No, usually when others are around me or talking to me." Taro says with a sort of pain in his words like a he has a weight on his shoulders he can't get off. "Oh so she's jealous. I see she can't stand to not have you and won't admit she wants you back, but will stand in anyone's way to keep them from you." She says in a 'no duh Sherlock' way. "Is it that noticeable?" Taro says in a very vulnerable state. Karma just nods and sites down where she was in the previous spot before the conversation started. She waves her hand to motion for Taro to sit with her. Of course he sits and straightens up when he hears a voice behind them say something.

"Say when are you two love birds gonna kiss your romantic tension is killing every body." Of course it's Nolo. But Karma shoots back with " Yeah like you and Tork keep googly eyeing each other, it's almost unbearable." Both men turn a light pink as if on cue a burst of light comes from the sky.


Hahahahahahaha cliffhangers my friends. Are they not the worst? But hey this was my first time writing so please be nice.

I will update as often as I can, most likely every few days. Please leave comments on how I can make this better.

Bye my kitties. XD

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