Chapter 4

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She arrives in her old, beat-up, black Toyota echo. When she steps out of her car, I notice she's wearing a blue tank-top and light blue jeans. The most makeup she has is lip gloss and her hair is in a regular ponytail. She has on blue flip-flops and not a hint of jewelry. It looks like she changed in her car on the way here. Somehow, she still looks good.

"Hey." I don't mention the outfit.

"Hey." She smiles. We walk into Tiger's Cafe and sit a couple tables down from the table I was at before (some guy and his girlfriend seemed to be having a little too much fun drinking from the same smoothie). We talk and get smoothies. It's always the same- Cocoa-banana for me, and Strawberry-swirl for her. Then she checks my watch. It reads 9:24

"Crap, I have to go. Sorry Ad, my parents.. They need me to help finish painting the basement." She grabs her bag and runs out. I call out 'bye' but I'm not sure she hears me. It's weird. Her mom told me they finished painting the basement last week.

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