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Click Clack

Chink Chunk

Click Clack

Chink Chunk


Jhin shot upright in his bed, a disgusted look on his face. He groaned, stretching in the golden sun light. He looked outside his window, glaring at the construction sight that had woken him up so crudely.  It was bad enough he was cramped in the small apartment that smelled of bitter sweet air freshener. Even though it was fairly early, Jhin got out of his bed, and started to get dressed. He put on his usual attire, a maroon undershirt and pants with the cream color cape over it all, but not putting on his shoulder piece. Luckily for him, his clothing and armor blended in nicely with the cultural fashion of the city. With just a few color and design changes, he would be nearly invisible to the public eye. Jhin however, slipped his mask in his pocket. He didn't want to deal with the risk of being recognized, at least not yet. Grabbing his second gun, which he disguised as a cane, and a bag with Whisper and other necessities in it, he walked onto the terrace, somewhat admiring the city known as Piltover. 

Check out my sequel: LoL Jhin Fanfiction 2 (Piltover)

Check out my OTHER sequel: LoL Jhin Fanfiction 3 (Bilgewater)

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