a technicolour world

10 5 0

Flick's eyes stung as she pressed play on the ancient tape recorder. 

"Did you know that you can only fold any piece of paper seven times?" there was an awkward laugh, the girls voice rattling out of the machine. "Seven times, doesn't matter how- how big the paper is, you can only- only fold it seven times. I- I don't know why I said that. We used to spout random, stupid things like that, remember? I guess they seemed like they mattered before.

"Look, I'm- I'm so sorry. This- all of this, it's- it's my fault, it's all because of my stupid mistake. And I'm so, so, sorry, Flick. Oh my god, I'm so sorry. 

"Did you know that chickens won't walk on ice? I mean I guess I wouldn't - ha, I wouldn't either. How did- how would they have tested that? Can you imagine? Bringing a chicken to an ice rink? That'd be- that'd be a sight. 

"I'm sorry, Flick. So, so, sorry. It was just a mistake, a- a stupid mistake. And I'm sorry." The girl sniffled, and her voice was shaking "But I know that sorry isn't going to fix it. Not- not this time, huh?

"I'm sorry because all I wanted was to hold your hand when we walked places and listen to the way you breathed and watched how your eyes glistened. And I know I'll never be able to do that again. I'm- I'm so sorry, Felicity. 

"And maybe we'll meet again- in- in another world or- or some other life. 'Cause now- now the police are looking for me, and, and they're looking for you too. And I'm so sorry."

Flick rubbed at her eyes to hide the tears as distant sirens echoed out of the recorder. 

"Fuck!" the girl laughed "Is this thing even recording?"


i'm not projecting don't worry 

pretentious drivel // short stories, poems, and the usual c**pOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz