Chapter 14

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The next thing I remembered was being woke up by the sound of beeping. I looked around half asleep and noticed there was nurses walking around. I let out a groan and said,"Where am I?" "Don't worry Ms. Wiley, you're in good hands." A blonde headed nurse said. I heard a nurse say, "She's awake." and immediately everyone came rushing in my room. "Sorry only two people at a time." the blonde nurse said. Then everyone went out except mamaw and papaw. "Hey sweet pea." papaw said. It looked liked they had been crying. "Hi." I said,"where am I?" "You're in ICU honey." mamaw said. "ICU? Why? What happened?" Then mamaw looked nervously over at papaw and said,"You were in a wreck. You don't remember?" "No. I don't remember anything at all. Expect who my family and friends are but the rest I don't remember." Then the nurse asked them to step out. They talked for a few minutes then came back and asked me, "Who was the first president of the United States?" "Um isn't that George? George Washington?" "Yes, now what is 8x8?" "Uh I don't know." "Ok that's fine, uh How many states are there in America?" "Um 40?" Then mamaw and papaw stepped out with the nurse again. I noticed that I had a bandage on my head, my right arm, my leg, and on my back. There had to be at least 29 or more cuts and scratches on me. When the nurse came back in she said,"You are doing better than you was when you first came in. So I think you will be able to go to a regular room in a few minutes. Then we will see how you do there. And if you do good, you can go home." I nodded ok. In the next 10 minutes they moved me to a different room. And as soon as I was settled everyone came in but said nothing. They looked at me like I was a broken toy or something. Then Lilly came bursting through the door. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok? I'm so so sorry." "What are you talking about?" I asked her. Then she looked at mamaw and mamaw whispered something in her ear. "Oh ok." Then Michaela said,"You want me to slap her?" "You slap me you'll regret it." Then Michaela raised her eyebrows and said,"Oh no hoe, you'll be the one to regret it." "Bring it on." "You asked for it hoe." Michaela said as she tries to walk toward Lilly but Niall grabbed her around her waist and she was shouting,"Niall! Put me down!" "Are you gonna try to kill her?" "Yes!" "Then no I not letting go." Then she said,"Ok! I won't kill her." And Niall let her go and went over to Lilly and said,"I wouldn't mess with her. One time we were playing this paintball game and she shot this guy in the balls." "It was an accident!" Michaela said. "Hi." Liam said. "Hey." I said smiling. Over the next few days Michaela and Niall came into my room more than anyone. I was glad to have a friend like her. One day Niall had brought a camera with him and was taking pictures of everything. And I mean EVERYTHING! He even took pictures of my doctor because he thought he had a cool mustache. "I'm hungry." I said. "Me too." Michaela replied. "Me Three!" Niall shouted and we laughed. "Can we have some chicken?" I asked. "Yes!!" Michaela said, "and I was hoping you would say that." After they left to go get some fried chicken I had to go to the bathroom. So I pulled back the covers and tried to stand up. Then I realized that this was my first time standing since I got here. I tried to hang on to stuff to help keep my balance, but there want much in there so I fell face-first into the couch and then onto the floor. So sore and couldn't move I stayed where I was until the door opened and I heard Michaela scream. "What is it!? Are you ok!?" Niall asked running into the room. "Oh my god!" he said when he saw me. They both helped me up and called a nurse to come check me out to make sure I hadn't done any more damage. I told the nurse I had to go to the bathroom so she helped get to the bathroom and then she gave me some privacy. After I was finished she help me get back into the bed and left. "Whitney what was you thinking?" Michaela asked. "I don't know." "Well be more careful next time. You had me scared to death." "I'm sorry Michaela." "Call me Mimi." "Ok."

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