~Chapter 7: Turn of Events~

Start from the beginning

I slowly followed behind him as he sat back down and started eating again. "Do you know what time you'll get back tonight? So I can have something ready?"

He took a small sip of his orange juice and just stared at me with his dark brown eyes. Well, they were dark when you weren't staring at them from inches away. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze which only made him grin again. "I'll be at work until 5 tonight and I'll probably get back around 9:30?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Give or take a little."

I moved back as he stood and tipped back the last of his orange juice and wiped at the corner of his mouth with his napkin. I followed him as he made his way to the door and grabbed his briefcase. "Even though I don't like you... I hope you have a good day at work."

He arched a brow at me, "I hope so too, Dearie. I have a lot of 'deals' to make." He chuckled and opened to door. I stood in the doorway as I watched him walk down to his car and get in. When he was through the gate I headed back in to clean up breakfast and start cleaning again. I would most definitely keep my part of the deal.

[Mr. Gold]

Stepping out of the elevator I walked up to my secretary's desk and stopped, staring until she noticed me. "Margret."

Margret quickly turned in her chair and stared at me with wide, frightened eyes. "Mr. Gold, g... good... good morning."

"Morning. Any messages for me?" She nodded and reached over to the little basket she had on the corner of her desk and pulled out a pile of pink sticky notes. She handed them to me and I took them. "When my first client gets here, buzz me and let her in." I brushed past her desk and headed into my office. The first thing I saw was the cityscape of New York City glittering like jewels in the sun. I walked over to my desk and dropped the pile of sticky notes on it and then gently set my briefcase down. I slowly opened it and reached in, pulling out the tiny blue and white tea cup with the small chip in the lip. I gently held it in my hand and stared down at it with fondness. I moved as if in a trance over to the glass case I'd had specifically made for this treasure and opened the small door, placing it down as gently as possible. A daily ritual I'd done since the day I'd found out Belle was forever lost to me.

I startled from my thoughts when my intercom buzzed and Margret's voice called out to me. "Lizabeth Weller is here for her appointment, Mr. Gold."

I quickly walked over to the door and opened it, waiting until Mrs. Weller was inside. "Well, Mrs. Weller, what can I do for you today?"

"I..." She walked over to one of my chairs and promptly plopped down in it. "I need to make a 'deal' with you."

"What kind of 'deal', Dearie?"

She pulled out a manila envelope and handed it to me. I walked over and took it from her grasp. I took my time to open it and look at the document that was inside. It said something along the lines that this woman wasn't fertile. I arched a brow and looked down at her. She fidgeted in the chair and refused to look at me. "I'll give you however much you want if you'll just help me. I heard from one of my close friends who came in here for something similar that you... you're able to do things like this."

I walked around to my side of the desk and sat down, dropping the manila folder on top of it. "I can."

She leaned forward and she finally looked at me. "Oh, please will you? I'll give you anything, everything I have. Please."

I turned my chair around and opened one of my desk's many drawers and pulled out a tiny bottle and stopper. Next I grabbed a tiny chain of gold that I'd personally spun. I stood up and walked back around to her, stopping only when I was standing behind her. "Everything has its price, Dearie. Are you sure you're willing to pay it?"

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