"We... we know other languages."

"Yes, it appears so. I wonder what they are called?" remarked Carson, watching his friend gaze back outside.

"Maybe... maybe that means that our memories shall return, with time," Adrean said hopefully, turning away from the window and beginning to search for clothes along with Carson. They both agreed that they should not walk about in swim shorts, whether or not this planet was as desolate as it seemed. If a sandstorm were to pick up, it would tear them to shreds.

They knew that much, at least.

When the two had discovered three sopping wet shirts and four pairs of pants (two of which weren't even close to their size), they dressed as well as they could. The sand outside hinted at a fairly dry, hot climate, therefore they decided to wear the clothes to keep them cool until they eventually dried.

"That note, have you read it yet?" asked Adrean, brows scrunched. His eyes glowed as he turned around to look as Carson, their purple irises asking the question his lips did not.

Was I correct?

"No, I have not had the chance to. I supposed that maybe the light would be stronger outside; my eyes are still not as acclimated as I would have otherwise hoped."

"Ah, yes, I understand. Shall we go outside?" Adrean asked, reaching for the door. It was sturdy metal, the handle rusted and silver. The actual door looked as though it had seen better days; party streamers were wrapped around its core, looking like an ugly belt. Carson was originally glad to finally escape the pool, no matter how frightened he was of the world outside, but then he started to have second thoughts.

"Are... are we positive the atmosphere is breathable?" Carson asked doubtfully, his body stopping in its tracks.

"Do you not think that we would already be dead if it were not?" remarked Adrean, turning back to Carson with a deadpan stare.

"I... I suppose so," Carson replied, bowing his head. He followed Adrean to the door, helping him pull it open. The metal was stuck, but with the two of them tugging on it, the door opened easily. They pulled it inwards, listening to the incredible whoosh of the air as the cold was sucked out of the door.

"See? What did I tell you?" Adrean smirked, turning back and walking out the doors. The sand was soft against his feet as Carson followed suit.

"It appears that my doubt was unnecessary," stated Carson, feeling his clothes dry almost instantly as he stepped into the sunlight. He shielded his eyes, not used to the brightness of the sun after having been stuck in that pool for who knows how long. He immediately looked down, trying to make out the note he'd discovered, but then he heard Adrean's voice.

"My, god." That appeared to be all he could say; other than that, he was completely speechless. Carson watched him for a moment, then followed his eyes. Then he blinked, rubbed at them, and took multiple double takes.

"No, way." He breathed, staring at the landscape in front of them. Whereas on the other side of the pool all they could see was desert and a large mountain range, this side was nothing like that.

The first thing that struck Carson was how small this world must have been, although he did not know what he was comparing it to. Earth? He didn't remember it, but the first thing that came to mind when he saw the land was that it would have been about the size of Pluto... whatever it was.

The second thing that hit was the drastic change of climates. He could see hundreds of small islands on the far horizon; however, just on the other side of his field of vision the landscape was clouded by a vast forest. Behind him and all around was the desert, and the mountain range far on the other side was nothing more than a range of small volcanoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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