Season 1 Episode 1: The Beginning

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Previously on Galactic Laser Tag

A new vigilante has appeared in Moonlight City and he is now being hunted down by many. They call him The Shadow. Kendall and Ethan are now living in Moonlight City while Ethan still mourns the loss of his friend Jake. Now welcome to Tales From The Dragon

Ethans P.O.V

"James McCoy has been found dead along with other men with fire arms. Although we do not have any major evidence to this claim, many believe it was the work of The Shadow. An arrow was found in James McCoy skull that was the finishing blow. We also found slash marks on the body's of James's body guard. We also received a word that Mr. McCoy was part of the bank robbery that happened last Wednesday. Now to the weather." The news host said.

Well that leaves 3 robbers that haven't been caught. Not even counting the outside helpers like investors or hackers we don't know about.

This guy was coming after everyone who had anything to do with the heist of the Moonlight City main bank.

The guys had pulled up on the front side of the bank. The driver was waiting in the car while they went in. The police had no idea how they were going to stop the robbers as they were holding down hostages. Eventually The Shadow sneaked into the bank and murdered half of the team. Four of them escaped. Three in the bank and then the driver. James McCoy was one of the robbers that got away with the most money. You would think he would lay low for a while, but he just decided to go ahead and trade the gold for money. I don't know what happened to the gold once The Shadow got him, but I know I won't be wondering that for long. I wonder how fast the next ones will be caught.

"Hey what are you watching." Asked Kendall as she walked in the room.

"The news. All I have been hearing about lately is The Shadow guy." I responded

"Hey look we may be lesser known heroes, but we still help." She said.

We are also vigilantes that save the town. The only thing is that we don't have the same gadgets as The Shadow. People who we save are just people that are victims of petty theft.

"We need to make a save that could put us on the map. We should capture one of the robbers from the bank." I said.

"The only problem is that we don't have a lead on them." She said.

"Well, Suit up because I have a place to start." I Said.

We walked over to where James was shot. The body was gone, but the blood stains were still there.

"Well here is our first clue to find the robbers. We find the trader, we find the contacts. The contacts should lead us to new clues." I Said.

"Well if they took him to a morgue then they took him to the nearest one which is 5 miles away." Kendall told me.

We drove up across the morgue and parked.

"Look chances are he is in the fresh containment unit. If we want to loot him then we will have to find the storage unit for the fresh body's." I said.

The blueprints said that they storage unit was in the third room to the left in the top hallway.

We snuck into the vents above the storage room. We jumped down into the room and searched for James.

We found a box that said M.James.

We opened it up to see a flash drive. We took it and took the secret way out.

We got home and booted the drive up. It had a list of people connected to the heist.

"Jackpot" I said. 

There were 50 names total. We started crossing out the names of people who had been arrested. That left 40 people.

We got more info on the main robbers. We were planning to take down Mike Adams.

He was planning on being at the Club 51 tonight.

We arrived at the club at 8:00. We saw a car pull up and Mike walked out. We ran over him and tackled him. We broke his knees so he couldn't run. We carried him back through the ally way to the car, but not before someone swooped down and got him.

"What is going on?" I asked

A guy dropped down. He looked at us curiously while moving his head.

"You win now but never again" He said.

He was talking to us. The Shadow was talking to us. His body was dark as if it was non existent.

He jumped away and we got Mike and went back to the apartment.

We sent an anonymous e-mail to the cops with the info on the heist connections. We said that Mike was one of the robbers and we would give him to them.

We dropped him off in a bag and ran off. The cops definitely knew who we were now.

"Breaking news! A new vigilante has appeared in Moonlight City, or should I say vigilantes. A new pair of 'heroes' have captured Mike Adams one of the lead robbers in the heist of the Moonlight City bank. We are not going after them as we only have minor evidence of them being criminals. Only people who helped. The Shadow definitely has some new competition as he tries to stay on top. Well we also have word that there were 50 associates in the heist and so far 11 have been captured that leaves 39 to be captured." The news person said.

"Well the only thing they can possibly convict us with is kidnapping, but they have no idea who it is." Kendall told me.

"Well I am going to bed, good night." I said.

"Me too." She replied

We went off to our rooms for a good nights sleep.


I heard the window break. I got up and stepped outside. I saw something move quickly and the computer was on. Kendall got out of her room and was looking really serious. We searched the room only to not find anything.

We looked through our drawers to see that the flash drive was gone.

"Really they got the files back!" I yelled

"Great what do we do now." Kendall told me.

The Shadows P.O.V

I jumped out the window right as he came our of the room. The hard drive was finally mine. I knew they had it ever since I met them. Finally I could bring the heist members to justice.

I made it to my hideout so that I could change the hard drive to a computer chip.

My hideout was a small place underground  with a computer, a T.V, and a bed. While the hard drive was converting I took of my suit.

The suit was a dark blue hood with black stripes.


The chip was ready. I inserted the chip into my phone. I picked the 2nd to last robber.

Daniel Hartman:

Bombing expert. Blew up the safe for us to get the money. Owns 'Daniel's Bombs N stuff' store. Working hours 8am-10pm.

I got ready for my assassination.

The car blinked to show that it was unlocked. Daniel walked out of the store.

I readied my shot. Then the other guys went in the scene and broke his knees. It was now or never.

I took that shot and it impaled his skull. They stared at him with shock. The death was quick yet painful. They noticed me right when I jumped away. This rivalry was only the beginning.

Tales From The Dragon Season 1Where stories live. Discover now