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"I can see that she loves you a lot." Luhan looked towards the Jiahui who was excitedly chatting with her friends, and commented. Yixing looked up. He then looked down back to the books, and said, "She's annoying."

"Annoying, but she's good for you. I can see that." Luhan smiled.

"I'm not sure what point that you saw in Li Jiahui that you say that she's good for me but Luhan, believe me, I don't want to be in a relationship anymore."

"Come on, it's not that you were being hurted deeply for once that you don't believe woman again." Luhan patted Yixing's back and said.

"It's not because of that…it's just that as time passed…I guess I'm slowly not care about being together with others. It doesn't really matters much, anyways. I don't need anyone else in my life to be forever with me. I'm used to being alone for years already."

"Still, I wish that you'll find someone to walk with the rest of your life, and that person…will probably be Jiahui. I'm doubting on that."

"And I'll prove to you that your assumptions are wrong, Luhan." Yixing replied coldly, glancing at Jiahui. Jiahui seemed to notice his glance. She turned around and looked around, then their eyes locked.

Jiahui flashed him her brightest smile and winked at him. Yixing just turned back to his book without responding her smile.

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