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I started to panic. I was dragged, well, escorted, for a short while, when suddenly, the light started to reveal itself, as well as my captors.

But they were people.

I don't get it. Why would people take me and the others?

The others.

A new wave of dread and panic washed over me. What happened to them? Are they alright? Where are they? What happened to my sister? All these questions made everything make less and less sense. My head was spinning from confusion and worry.

"Don't worry, you're safe now. Calm down," a voice said. My head whipped around to where it came from. It was a boy, teenager, my age, with white hair, wearing black and white trousers and jacket with black combat boots, and a bow and a sheath of arrows around his torso. My captors let me go.

"No. Everything is NOT all right, and I will NOT calm down. Where are my friends? James? My sister? Who are you, and why did you take me? What is this place?" The questions came out before I could stop them.

"Alex," another voice. I whirled around in its direction. But this one is different, I know this voice. While I'm pondering in my thoughts, Torunn steps out from behind the shadows next to the white haired boy. She smiles a bit, and I felt a weight being lifted off my shoulders that I didn't know I had. I went up to my sister, pulling her into a hug.

"You're okay," I breathed. We pulled away.

"Yes," she answered. She was sad. She's barely ever upset. Angry, yes, but never upset.

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"I was too weak. I'm not invulnerable. I lost my sword, and father..." She trailed off, but I didn't need to hear the rest. I put my hands on her shoulders reassuringly.

"Hey, it's okay." I assured her. She relaxed and smiled.

Then I got a full explanation. Answers to all my questions. So the boy's name is Hawkeye, and he leads the people who saved us, the Scavengers. Afterword, we headed off to wherever the boys were placed. Apparently, they were put in some sort of underground tunnel entrance. They had to tranquilize them because they were a bit freaked out. Not surprising. When we got there, the Scavengers were surrounding them, the boys in their battle stances, ready to fight.

"Hey! Quit messing around. We've gotta keep moving," Hawkeye said. He at least could've started with an introduction. The boys looked up in our direction, and I flew down first.

"Alex!" James said smiling. He deactivated his shield, and I quickly ran into his arms as he pulled me into an embrace. "I was so worried about you," he said after he let go.

"I can handle myself, you know," I retaliated, placing my hands on my hips.

"Still," he replied. I rolled my eyes as he looked up to my sister, who was still standing on the edge.

"Torunn!" He smiled as she flew down, all of us meeting her at the bottom. She still looked sad.

"You're alive!" Pym exclaimed. He ran to her and hugged her.

"You alright?" Azari asked. I put my hand on her arm.

"What happened?" Asked James.

"I wasn't strong enough. I lost my sword. And my father didn't come for me." She replied quietly.

"We have to go. Ultron is wired into every single one of his machines. We get spotted, we're toast," Hawkeye interrupted. Torunn walked away from us, not saying another word. James looked at me questioningly, but all I could do was follow my sister.

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