I Loved And I Loved And I ... Lost You?

Start from the beginning

Honestly, Salazar really didn't seem to understand he wasn't really keen on seeing his ugly face and hearing his way too feminine voice all the time.

What did he want from him anyway, he couldn't think of any logical reason - well, apart from the driving-him-towards-suicide one.

But he was getting off of topic here, so back to the important things like finding Ashley and getting the hell out of here--


Leon stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of the familiar voice.

Relief and happiness flooded him as he slowly turned around towards the man who had shouted his name.

Thank god, Luis was alright, at least something was going right in this damn place.

He gave Luis a small smile, watching as the Spaniard's face completely lit up in a smile in return.

God, he had missed the man, was he really the only thing that was brightening up his mission every time they ran into each other by chance.

They really had gone through some tough things together since they had met for the first time, of course under life-threatening circumstances... what else was new.

'I got it--'


Leon reacted as fast as he never did before in his life, the need to protect the man in front of him growing so overwhelming that he was almost swallowed by it.

As quick as he could he drew his knife as he started to go into a forward role in order to pass the meters to Luis quicker, widely swinging back his arm that was holding the knife as he started to stand again, bringing it down with as much force as he could muster, slicing through the tentacle of Luis' attacker.

The thing or man - he hadn't really time to look what or who exactly it was, his focus solely being on Luis - let out a screech or scream, quickly withdrawing the tentacle.

Luis started to fall towards the ground, so Leon quickly caught him, carefully lowering him on the ground while he very gently removed the sting, which had been on the tip of the tentacle and was still buried in Luis' back.

Thank god, he had reacted so fast, before the thing could do any more damage like staking the Spaniard with the whole tentacle for example, instead of stabbing him with just the sting.

There wouldn't have been very much he could have done for the Spaniard then, probably having to witness the man he had grown to love slowly bleeding to death instead.

'Leon ... he's got the sample!', Luis managed to force out, the pain clear in his voice.

'Shh, don't talk.', Leon quickly replied, his voice slightly breaking due to the growing feeling of worry and desperation.

'How endearing ...', a male, evil voice said sarcastically.

So the thing was a human being after all, Leon thought, as he quickly whipped his head around.

'Saddler ...', he spat out disgusted, giving the cruel man a cold glare.

'So, you've heard about me ...', the man replied, breaking out in a maniac laugh. 'To my dismay, you're getting kinda annoying. If you don't stop getting yourself involved with things that aren't your concern, I have to get rid of you. And that even before the parasite hatched... wouldn't that be a pity? So much potential being wasted for nothing...'

'I'll never become one of your little marionettes, Saddler!', Leon shot back, the distaste for his opponent clearly showing in his voice.

'We'll see', Saddler replied, an evil grin spreading on his face, 'I thought you were smarter, Mr. Kennedy, you surely know I'll never let you or even the girl - what was her name again ... Ashley? - get out of this place, neither the two of you together for that matter.'

I Loved And I Loved And I ... Lost You? ~ A Leon S. Kennedy/Luis Sera One Shot Where stories live. Discover now