I Loved And I Loved And I ... Lost You?

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Before you jump right into this One-shot, I'd like to point out that there are probably going to be some grammar mistakes.
Unfortunately, I'm not an English native speaker and I really apologize for any kind of grammar mistake I might have done while writing this.
I hope you'll enjoy this One-shot anyway and if you happen to come across a really annoying grammar mistake, please direct message me, so I can correct them.

Luis' PoV

Luis hurried through the castle a proud grin on his face. He needed to find Leon. He finally had managed to track down the sample along with the vaccine again, he had lost earlier, thanks to a big group of cultists he had to flee from.

It had taken him a big amount of time to go all the way back, trying to find the damn things, so he was fairly excited now to finally show them to Leon - till his first try didn't play out so well after all.

He hoped the US-agent was still in one piece and hadn't managed to get himself in some serious trouble while he had been away.

Maybe if the ridiculous castle wasn't so ridiculously huge, he already would have found him by now, finally quieting the slight feeling of worry he was feeling deep down in the pit of his stomach.

Shaking the feeling off, as much as he could at least, Luis focused on making his way through the castle - would be really unfortunate to run into another group of brainwashed, Las Plagas worshipping cultists again, wouldn't it - running down hallways and rounding corners while watching out for any possible dangers in his way.

The agent couldn't be far off now.

And, boy, was he looking forward to seeing the kindhearted American again, maybe for even more reasons apart from the obvious one that he got good news to deliver.

Leon's PoV

Leon let out a sigh as he looked around him.

Where the heck was Ashley, she should be in this room ... well, if he hadn't completely miscalculated. Even though from calculating couldn't be really the talk.

After Ashley had gotten trapped and had disappeared behind a wall, thanks to the fact the wall she had been strapped on could turn itself by 180 degrees, Leon hadn't really much help figuring out where she was or rather might be than a very rough map of the whole place, he thankfully had bought from the merchant earlier.

Still, it was a hell of a nightmare, running around a way too huge castle in hopes of finding an in-one-of-the-many-traps-gone-missing president's daughter and that even before Salazar's little lap dogs found her, who probably knew the castle better than he did.

At least he got the advantage he knew in which trap Ashley had gotten in, whereas Salazar's little lapdogs had to go and check every single trap in the castle, so the chances were like fifty-fifty he actually found her first.

This mission really was fucked up.

Ganados, El Gigantes, other things he had already forgotten the name of and now f***ing cultists in a big ass castle ... really?! What came next? Well, screw that, he actually didn't want to know.

And then there was this annoying as hell Salazar, the one and only owner of this stupid castle, who radioed him every five minutes.

Really, if this dude radioed him one more time he would jump out off the next window committing suicide - well, now that he thought about it ... maybe that was what Salazar was aiming for with all his transmissions?

And he had thought the cultists with their 'Cógelo, cógelo, cógelo ...' and 'Muere, muere, muere ...', what he had already couldn't hear anymore after just entering the castle, were bad.

I Loved And I Loved And I ... Lost You? ~ A Leon S. Kennedy/Luis Sera One Shot Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora