"Whoa- hey, hey, what's all of this?" Travis asked as him and Madison came into the house through the kitchen.

"If we don't get Griselda to the surgeon, she's going to lose her foot." Liza informed as she walked with the soldiers, "You're in the way."

"What? Oh- okay." Travis mumbled as he processed the information.

"Sir, I'll need you to wait." One of the military men said as he placed a hand on Daniel's chest, stopping him in his tracks.

"No, that's ok, that's his wife." Madison reassured, stepping in.

The soldier shook his head, "I have two names-"

"Griselda Salazar, Daniel Salazar." Daniel said, pointing between his wife and himself.

"No, not you." He said, looking back to his clipboard, "Nicholas Clark."

"What?" Madison's voice let out as she shook her head.

"You need to go." I said under my breath as I began trying to subtly shove him away from the front of the house, his feet stumbling backwards as his eyes glanced anxiously around.

"Come on, free medical care from the US military." A soldier said from the other side of the room.

"Run." Alicia said lowly before Nick finally darted through the dark hallway, a hoard of soldiers following.

"No, that's a mistake-- no, no, that's a mistake!" Madison yelled as we all became bunched up in the living room.

"Wait- hey, hold on!" Alicia begged as we all helplessly watched men in uniforms surround Nick, the butt of ones gun being swung, full force, towards his face as he hit the ground.

"Stop!" My voice let out over the swears of everyone else, time seeming to almost slow as I struggled in the grip of a soldier, "Dont- please!"

My hand mindlessly reached to the belt of a soldier that moved past us, a large, military issued flashlight hanging off the back. I quickly swung the solid object into the face of the man who holding me, causing his grip to loosen before I was immediately thrust into the wall.
My ears began to ring from the impact as pain shot through my body, my arm twisted tightly behind my back by hands that dug into my skin.

"Please!" I begged, each breath causing my chest to feel like it was on fire, "He's not sick-- please!"

"Don't you hurt him!" Madison's voice yelled as the struggle in the room only got louder.

"Stand down, ma'ma!"

"Hey, hey, take it easy!" Travis's steady voiced yelled over the commotion.

"He's not-- he's not sick!" I pleaded as they dragged him out, my voice already hoarse from my sobs, "Please don't-"

"If someone doesn't get a handle on her, we'll take her into custody!" One of the soldiers yelled, "She's already injured one of my men, and that's grounds for-"

"I'll take her- I will!" I heard Travis's voice negotiate from behind me, "I've got her!"

I soon felt as his hand grabbed my arm, the other placed on my shoulder as the strong, painful grip the soldier had on me disappeared.

My legs buckled beneath me as Travis held me close, his arms wrapped tightly around my shoulders as tears blurred my vision.

"No, no, Nick!" Madison called as she banged on the living room window.

I slid out of his grip and to the floor as tears ran down my cheeks, my breath constantly hitching in my throat with each sob that escaped my lips. The pain in my heart almost overruling the physical pain that sparked through my chest as I realized one of my biggest fears had just come true-- Nick had been taken away from me.

I desperately tried to slow my breathing as I clutched at my rib cage, steadying myself on the wall beside me as the sharp pain refused to end.

"Here-" Alicia's familiar voiced breathed, sticking her hand out in front of me before I shooshed it away, "Just let me help you." She persisted, grabbing my arm and slowly helping me to my feet.

"Chris?" Travis called out as his teenage son angrily disappeared from the room, Madison soon reappearing from the front door.

"Liza.." She let out as she stood in front of Travis, "She did this."

One of Hannah's biggest nightmares just became a reality.. I wonder how she'll handle it.

I'm glad you guys are enjoying this fanfic because I'm really enjoying writing it!

Not The Same | Nick Clark | FTWDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang