Part 9 (The Real Me)

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Sans POV:

I was startled by Papyrus all of a sudden appearing,


He looked around terrified,

"Dammit y/n,"

I looked at him confused,

"Why do you look so chilled to the bone brother?"

"This is no time for jokes Sans, this is serious! Y/N ran into someone and she's not herself, she's like a doll,"

I froze in fear,

"Did she run into a dominating Human?"

Papyrus nodded frantically,

"Shit, we have to find her Paps, she might just kill herself,"

Papyrus and I ran out and as we ran I became Human, I ran better as a Human, faster. We looked everywhere for her but no one saw her, we came across a Monster who said it saw y/n tearing her clothes off of herself and she was covered in torture scars. We ran in the direction it pointed out and sure enough there lay her clothes and undergarments, I saw the remainder of her footsteps and began to follow them. My heart beat in fear for her, she ran into her Dominant, it's the only reason shes like this, the only possible reason,

"Worthless doll,"

I heard that faint whisper, it was far off but I heard it without a doubt, I went towards that direction


This time it was much louder but still far off, then I heard it, the most painful scream I had ever heard, it sounded like pure torture, pure pain, pure horror, it was enough to drive someone mad but I ran towards it, forcing my Human legs to go faster ignoring the intense burning sensation in them, the scream got worse and worse and it made me want to cry for her,


I yelled hoping, praying she heard me, the scream began to trail off until finally it was all silent, I forced myself to run faster. I got to the River when I heard a splash and looked in time to see the current drag y/n down, I got to the edge of the River and looked down at her falling figure, she was reaching up but her will to survive was gone


I yelled out hoping she would recognize my voice and swim, when she didn't I threw my jacket off and dived into the water, I swam with all my might and finally reached her, I grabbed her hand and pulled her up to the surface. I jumped out the water and wrapped her up in my jacket, not caring that she was stark naked. I took a look at her, she looked so different, her body was so damaged, so broken. Rage filled me, pure pure Rage. How could someone do this? To someone so beautiful and kind as this girl? I listened for her heart and heard nothing, my eyes widened in fear,


I began to giver he CPR,


I felt my tears start to roll down my face,

"Dammit y/n, come on!"

I pressed down harder on her chest, before listening again, nothing.... I stopped and instead held her to me, crying into her neck,

"Come on y/n, I just met you and you're the most amazing thing to happen to me already, don't do this to me. Come back y/n, I need you, we need you. I want to get to know you more, I want to kiss you with your consent, I want to confess my love for you one day, I want to annoy my brother with you. I want to wake up and make breakfast with you and eat Paps terrible spaghetti with you, I want to have a life with you dammit! COME BACK!"

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