Part 6 (Clarification)

Start from the beginning

"Is the sauce I used this morning I actually used blood?"

Sans and Papyrus looked at eachother in surrise before bursting out in laughter,

"Nothing sinsister we swear,"

Sans wiped his tears away before they both became serious again,

"We're not being entirely honest with you right now,"

I narrowed my eyes,

"This is not assuring me that nothing sinister is going on,"

"Just have an open mind okay?"

I watched them with a calculating look,

"Sans are you sure?"

Papyrus asked with a nervous look and Sans nodded with a reassuring smile, all of a sudden the living room was filled with a soft blue and comforting orange glow, when it disappeared two skeletons sat in the place of Sans and Papyrus, the one skeleton was small and short, his skull was round and a permenant grin sat on his face the other was tallish, his skull was more rectangular and he also had a smile on his face. My hand lit in a neon green as I prepared to blast the Monsters away,

"No y/n its us, don't shoot,"

My magic faded at Sans voice coming from the small skeleton,

"Wait what?"

Sans and Papyrus sighed in unison,

"Its us, we're really skeletons,"

My eyes widened in fascination,

"Wow really?"

They nodded nervously,

"This is so cool!"

They looked at me in surprise,

"Wait youre not mad?"

I shook my head with a laugh,

"This is great, why didn't you just tell me? I think this is really awesome,"

The skelebros sighed in relief before laughing with me,

"Wait I gotta see something, stand up,"

They both stood up with me with some hesitation and I grinned. Sans stood just above my breasts and Papyrus was the exact same height as me, I leant down and put my hands under Sans arms, I looked at him with permission and he just rolled his eyes, I picked him up and found he was surprisingly light,

"Oh my god you're adorable,"

Sans just hung in the air with that silly grin on his face,

"Don't you start too,"

Papyrus put his arm around my shoulder,

"He is rather cute isn't he?"

Sans sighed in defeat as Papyrus and I laughed, I conjured up a polaroid camera and positioned it so it could take a picture of the three of us, me of course still holding an annoyed Sans but it was hard to tell with that grin. The picture printed and I put Sans down to show the brothers the photo,

"I can assure you this will be the first of many photos,"

Papyrus squealed in glee as he ran off with the photo and Sans chuckled,

"You just keep on making his day kid,"

I looked down at Sans,

"It's strange that you're shorter than me,"

Sans rolled his eyes again,

"Yeah yeah, whatever,"

A few more minutes passed and I left to go to Undyne's house, I decided eventually just to go in the pajamas, when I arrived I found Alphys there too and the two of them were talking and Undyne was crying, actually crying but the crying halted when she saw me,

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