Love and Jealousy

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--------About a month later--------
--------Louise's P.O.V.----------

I wake to the sound of smashing glass. As much as I love the sound it frightens me and I scream "FUCK!" Natallie runs in.
"Louise what's wrong!?" I am suddenly confused at the fact that Natallie is in my home. I thought it was my dad smashing a bottle or something. It was nice to see her face as I woke, it calmed me.
"Sorry I got a shock to the smash, what was that exactly?" I question her.
"Oh that was just glass" She seemed to think I knew what she was talking about.
"I know it was glass. Why did it smash?" I sarcastically reply.
"I smashed it" She says cheerfully. "Don't ya remember? Ya wanted it for an art project. So I went to an old store that sold different things made out of glass all different colours" She seems a tad worried that I don't remember. I mean it sounds like something I would do but I can't seem to remember.
"Oh alrighty then" I try to see like I know what she's talking about but I honestly have no clue.
"I'll leave so you can get dressed and stuff" Natallie says awkwardly.
"Yeah thanks" I say as she leaves the room and shuts the door behind her, I realize I am only wearing undies and I brush crimson even though she was gone.

I get out of bed and go to my dresser draws and get out some faded blue jeans and a black and white striped shirt. After I'm dressed I sit on my bed and look at my bedside table, my art book is out. I take a look and there are all these drafts for that art project that Natallie was talking about. "PAIN" "ENVY" "LUST" "ANGER" drafted everywhere. I remember now. I needed the glass to cover up the words I had painted but it had to be shattered to symbolize how easy it is to break something. It was real nice of her to go and get all of it for me, even though I'm still wondering about why exactly she is in my home I could really care much because well she's here and that makes me happy.

Natallie leaves to go shopping for food as I stay home and work on my art. After hours of doing my project I finally finished. My hands had been cut by the glass a bit and had bled on the work but, that's okay because it only makes it look ten times more awesome.
"Louise!?" Natallie yells as she walked through the door. She seems shocked and angry.
"Yes Natallie?" I say quite sarcastically because I know exactly what she was talking about.
"Your hands! Why are they bleeding?" Apples anger fades, now she just should really concerned about me.
"Nat, I just cut it on some of the glass its nothing don't worry. It was a complete accident okay!" For some reason my voice gets a bit snarky and bitchy.
"OKAY! Okay. Sorry I didn't mean to offend you?" Natallie seems sad now. I get up and hug her. It's actually real nice that she cares about my well being. "What's this for?" She hugs me back. It was a rhetorical question and nothing needed to be said, after a little while I pull back. "I got food.." Natallie randomly states even though I can clearly see that she brought food home. Natallie doesn’t live here but she does spend most of her time here due to the fact that I'm always alone. Her and I pick up the shopping bags and walk to the kitchen and put things away. I get to the last three bags and they are all full of green apples.
"Really Natallie!?" I'm so sarcastic it frightens me, I think Natallie has rubbed off on me a bit. 
"Ehe well yes" Apples giggles. There were enough apples to bake at least eight apple pies, that is probably exactly what she is going to do with them. She is so cute when she's all giggly and sweet, she hardly ever is though. Nat is the best friend that I have ever had, actually probably the only friend I've ever had. Even though I don't really see her as a friend anymore she's still wonderful. What I mean by I don't see her as a friend anymore is I think of her as more than a friend.

 I could never tell her how I feel though. I don't want to lose her. She is my best and only friend and I'm not going to ruin it with my stupid feelings.

--------Natallie's P.O.V.--------
"You know I love making apple pie Louise and ya Definitely know how much I love apples! ehe" Sometimes Louise can be a bit cute when she's sarcastic.
*THUD* I turn around to see Louise on the ground unconscious, again!
"Lou!?" yep she's out. I wonder why she has her blackouts.
"It's because she is a fucking psycho!" Lori yells angrily.
"Do I detect a little bit of jealousy there Lori?" I rhetorically ask her. Oh yes, Lori is the voice inside my head, she has been gone for about a week now, I think it was just because she was jealous about how close me and Lou are getting even though she will never admit it, but according to her I belong to her. Even though I don’t. Apparently I'm Loris and nobody else can have me.
"Nobody else can have you. You're mine only. I may have been a little jealous but it's only because you hardly ever talk to me anymore. Unless you aren't with HER or she's unconscious!."
"I'm sorry Lori, I've been helping her and frankly you're kind of mean when I think about her"
"That's only because you barely know her yet you are thinking those things!"
"Yes Lori I know but, I can't help it okay! I have strange feelings! Now please... help me wake her?"
"Okay okay. What you have to do, is...."
"Lori, out with it!" I just want her to wake, I hate her when she's like this. It scares me.
"You have to throw her out the window!"
"LORI!" I scream. Lori has never been like this before and Lou has never been out this long.
"okay, lay her on the couch first" I pick her up and walk to the living room where I place her down gently on the sofa.
"Now shake her!"
"Lori!!!! You are no help what so ever! GO AWAY!" I'm on the verge of tears, so I just sit on the floor next to her stroking her face and whimpering "Lou wake up. Please, just wake up"

--------Louise's P.O.V.--------

"Lou?....Lou? Are you okay?!" I regain consciousness.
"What happened?" I weakly say as I rub my eyes. Natallie looks at me with quite a lot of concern.
"You blacked out... again" She seems to be getting more worried due to it happening more and more often now. When I was younger I would have random blackout fazes but only ever rarely. For the last couple months it has been happening but it’s not as random anymore, I only ever black out if I am super happy or extremely scared. The worst thing about it is I don't know when I black out like, when I black out I don't realize that I have.
“Natallie are you okay?” I ask as she wraps her arms around me, I nearly begin to cry due to the secret I am keeping from her.
“Why wouldn’t I be okay!?” She speaks as if nothing happened even though I could hear in her voice she was worried about me.
“Thank you for staying with me. How long was I out for this time?”
“Always Bubba. You were out for about three hours this time, the longest yet” Her face sinks, she is so scared. I try to change the subject.
“Hey how about we cook dinner now?” I sit up cheerfully, all smiley and wide eyed.
“Are ya sure that’s a great idea for you?”
“Yes Nat it will be fine!” I stand up, grab her hand and lead her to the kitchen. “What shall we make?” I ask as I look at what we have.
“Bub why don’t we just order in pizza?” Natallie suggests as she spins me around. I get a bit dizzy and everything goes black and fuzzy for about ten seconds.
“I think that might be a good idea” I say as Nat walks me back to the couch.

After pizza and a movie Natallie and I decide to go to bed, we both sleep in my bed. It's no big deal or anything since we're best friends. "Goodnight Nat" I yawn as I face myself to the wall.
"Goodnight Lou" She paused, then "Goodnight Lori." She said sleepily as she fell asleep.
"Who's Lori?" I asked, too tired to even keep my eyes open.
"She's the voice inside my head, no offence but she doesn't like you very much" Natallie speaks and you can tell she's a few seconds off of going to sleep.
"Why doesn't she like me?" I question, I feel a bit sad.
"She's jealous because of what I think about you..." Her voice trails off and she is fast asleep.
"Jealous?" I ask myself, "What in the would could Natallie think about me to make someone inside her head jealous?" I would normally try to figure this out but at the moment I am way to tired to care. I close my eyes and decide to dream.

--------Natallies P.O.V.--------
Lou and I get into bed and say our good-nights. "Goodnight Nat" I hear from Lou.
"Night Natallie" Lori speaks.
"Goodnight Lou" I smile as I say her name, nobody can see though because well, its dark. "Goodnight Lori" I say with a snarky tone in my voice.
"heey, why so hostile?" Lori asks even though she has full knowledge of why I'm pissed at her.
"Who's Lori?" Lou asks as she's half way to passing out asleep. If I tell her the truth she'll think I'm a freak but, on the other hand it is three in the morning so It's pretty unlikely she'll actually remember anything I tell her and it would be a good way to get this off my chest. "She's the voice inside my head, no offence but she doesn't like you very much" I say quite hesitant waiting for her reply.
"Why doesn't she like me?" She questions and I feel relief wash over me.
"She's jealous because of what I think about you..." I say as I yawn and fall asleep.

"Nat! Nat! talk to me, come on talk to me!" Lori keeps bugging me.
"No Lori I'm trying to sleep" I snap.
"You are asleep! now talk to me I'm ever so bored" Lori whimpers with a cute little girl tone of voice.
"Okay Lori, what do you want to talk about?" I groan, really not wanting to talk to Lori for how she treats my Lou.
"I don't know but, I wonder what it's like to be a bird"  Lori has a strange obsession with wanting to be a bird.
"Oh my goodness Lori no! Don't you start this again" In my mind me and Lori are laying on the grass at the park as its sunny and warm, its nice yet I wish it was Lou not Lori, Lori is getting on my nerves lately so I can hardly stand talking to her.
"But I've always wanted to know what it would be like to be a bird" Lori whines and her voice irritates me.
"No Lori! Shut up about stupid birds!" I frustratingly shout at her.
"Okay then, what do YOU want to talk about?" Lori gets angry because I will no longer tolerate her stupid ideas.
"Lets talk about Louise's birthday! It's coming up and I would love to do something special for her." I knew that Lori would hate me talking about it but, I needed ideas so that I could do something great for, hmm I think I'll call her Boo now. That's
"No! No it's not 'cute', it is sickening!" Lori fake gags. "Why do you have to do anything for her! it's not like you ever do anything for my birthday!"
"Well Lori, I never do anything for you're birthday because well, I cant! Stop being so selfish! I know what I'm going to give Boo for her birthday, no thanks to you." I love Lori but, sometimes she can be a bit much. I also think I may love Louise so that is an issue and one other secret I have to keep from her.

Outcast (Larry w/ gender-bend Lou and some Nouis at the start)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang