Profile Of: Madico Susaya/Belle Mort Rose

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Profile of: Madico Susaya

Age: Unknown but seems 16

Full Name: Belle Mort Rose or in English Beautiful Death Rose

Weapon or Meister: Both

Sibling: None

Looks: Has long white hair with some pink in it and seems to have  unnatural red eyes.

Outfit: Wears a plain white shirt,which is big for her, wears a black spaghetti strap shirt underneath her white shirt, with a black skirt, also wears a black/red headband.

Insanity Level: Stable but if tempted can be very dangerous.

Friends: Iku -a witch-, Lord Death, Death The Kid, Liz, Patty, Stein, And Spirit.

Enemies: Medusa


-Can fight without a weapon

-Is, both, a weapon and Meister

-Once in battle mode, eyes have black stars in them.

-Has a tragic past

-Is quiet, silent, and tends to keep to self

-Had befriended a witch

-Is god


Madico grew up as a single child in a kingdom call Royaume de la mort et de la haire or as it is in English Kingdom of Death and hate. Being the princess of Rayaume de la mort, she had to learn how to rule a kingdom. When her mother, Amour Perdu La Troisieme or Lost Lover The Third, had meet her father, Ange De La Mort Et Le Chaos or known as Angel of death and chaos, she had known it was love at first site, yet their love was forbidden.

God is a girl! (A Black*Star love story.)Where stories live. Discover now