Ch16 : The Fun In Being Grounded

Start from the beginning

     "Eh, couldn't sleep, and I was bored. What about you?" I asked, avoiding specific questions.

     "I heard some rustling and I knew it wouldn't be the wind making the noise," She replied as I nodded.

     Riley pointed at my sketch. "What's that?" I shrugged again.

     "Nothing, just a little drawing that I drew from the top of my mind."

     We sat in silence for a while before I spoke up. "I like this place. I'm probably going to spend my grounding days right here," I stated, looking at the moon again.

     "Oh. Cool. Um . . .can I join?" She asked, nervously. The tension between us was still a bit awkward.

     I nodded. "Um, yeah, sure."

     "Wanna play a game?" I asked, turning to her. She looked at me, curious.

     "What game?"

     "It's a game I like to call, Prank War," I smirked. I am totally the QUEEN of pranking. That's why April 1st is my favorite day of the year.

     The two of us smiled evilly at each other. I set up a plan for each person - excluding us - in the house. Turning to a new page on my notebook, I clicked my pen before beginning to scribble across the paper.

     •Dump clothes into the pool.
     •Throw Kevin onto a tree.
     •Hide shoes.

     •Hide straightener and hair products.
     •Put syrup in his shoes.
     •Spray paint his hats

     •Throw hair products in trash.
     •Hide mirror.
     •Put flour in his hair.

     •Hide guitar in a tree.
     •Draw on his face
     •Hide all food and drinks.

     •Straighten his hair.
     •Hide his clothes in trash.
     •Do the whip cream prank. :)

     •Take away make up and accessories.
     •Dump water on her.
     •Do the ball prank.

     •Stash hair products and clothes in secret room.
     •Do the gum prank.
     •Quickly do a crazy hairstyle while she is sleeping.

     And finally I wrote down:

     For everyone-
     •We hide in a secret door I found, and hide in there until they get mad.

     I showed the list to Riley, smiling evily at her. She looked up at the journal and smiled. Tomorrow night is going to be fun.

     We climbed out of the tree and back into our rooms. After laying down in my bed for a few minutes, I let the sleep take over me, waiting for tomorrow to come.


     "Lou, can you bring me and Riley to some stores? We need some stuff for our craft project we are doing. We just need a few stuff, whip cream, a bunch of trash bags, gum, glue, a bucket, sharpies, spray paint, a ball, syrup, powder and. . . yeah that's it," I asked, listing all the things we need for pranking.

     Louis looked at us, weirdly. Finally, he asked, "Why do you need all that stuff? What type of project is this?"

     My mind raced for a lie, but I couldn't get one. Riley saved my butt and said, "We are making a project about the food they had in the 1800s. And some models of it, so. . . yeah."

     Louis fell for it as he nodded, "Sure. Go get ready."

     Ri and I silently cheered and ran upstairs. I changed into clothes, grabbed my phone, my sneakers, and ran back down the stairs. I sat on the couch, shoved on my sneakers and waited for Riley.

     Five minutes later, she came down. I jumped off the couch, grabbed Riley's hand, Louis' hand, said goodbye to the others and sprinted towards the car.

     "What's the rush?" He asked, as Riley climbed into the back of the car with me. I shrugged, looking at him sitting in the passengers seat, "Just want to get started ASAP so. . ." I replied, trailing off.

     Louis told the driver to park at Target. We jumped out and quickly ran towards our destinations. Splitting up to make the process speed up, I looked through the food section. Grabbing my items - and some food - I rushed to meet up with them. I stood waiting, unpantietly, at the cashier. Finally, they arrived with armfulls of things. I gave Lou a wild look. "You know there's things called baskets where you can put your items in?"

     He gave me a fake smile before poking my nose, "I'm completely aware of that, silly Lilly. I just. . . wanted to get the work out in."


     When we got home, Riley and I grabbed each bag and ran inside. Dumping the things onto the kitchen table, the boys came in with curious faces.

     "Oi, what the heck is that?" Niall asked, his Irish accent laced through his words.

     "It's a project," I retorted, giggling a bit.

     "Where did you get that?" Liam asked.

     "Oh, um. . . we kinda stole it. We didn't have enough money. . ." Riley replied, sarcastically. We tried our best to hide our laughter. Even Louis was cracking up. Liam gaped at us with an incredulous look.

     "It's alright Liam, I bought them these stuff, that was for a project in school," Louis explained, telling the truth.

     "Ooh, food!" Niall gasped, staring at the few food items that was behind us.

     "No Niall. This isn't food. It has glue inside, yuck!" Riley cooed, attempting to trick him so we wouldn't waste anything.

     "Aw okay," Niall replied, but we knew he wasn't dumb enough to believe it. "What're you making anyway? Can I help?"

     I stared at him and put on a puppy dog face. "I'd love your help, Nialler, but I just want to do something without help, you know? I have to become independent some day!" He looked at me and cooed, coming towards me and hugged me, then turning to hug Riley. These boys are so gullible, it seems cruel to prank them. . . oh well.

     "Oh, yeah, of course. You do your own thing and we'll judge it once you're done, deal?" Niall offered, looking back and forth between me and Riley.

     We smiled a bit, "Deal."

     The boys came towards us and we had a big group hug. Riley and I, squished in the middle, smiling at each other. Tomorrow, they aren't going to think that we are innocent, cute, little girls. Tomorrow, we are gonna kick their butts into the next century.

     This is gonna be the best prank day of all of history, indeed.


Authors note

Hey guys, sorry for the late update, I have practice for swim team, my dad's surprise birthday, school. Please, understand that if I have a late update. It's better late, than never.

And Sorry for the boring chapter, I just wanted time to pass from being grounded, to not. Next chapter they are gonna be doing the pranks, and something they would've NEVER thought about doing....dun dun dun.........

Anyways, bye guys since it's Friday, I'll prob update Sunday.


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