6 - My Centennial

Start from the beginning

My mother hadn't changed at all; however, those thirty-odd years of war were already wiping her face from my memory. She had the same big green eyes and gentle smile. She wore a white dress with light yellow embroidered flower designs. Others waited to see me. My sister, Laize and three of my half-brothers, very grown, now almost adults. I barely recognized them.

"Great to see you again, little brother!" My sister smiled gently "you don't realize how extensive your list of wedding suitors is!"

"Tell me about it" I also noticed there, two children in the room.

"These are your nephews" Laize showed me "my children, Mudi and Arsena".

"Is it true that your sword has killed a thousand devils?" asked the little Mudi.

"I have faced many battles, but I'm not good with numbers".

"Excuse me, Captain Keel, forgive me my interruption but you should come now. It's time to see the emperros".

"We'll talk again later" I waved goodbye and returned to the hall.


Under the gaze of the emperors, my legs buckled. I had confronted dire demons, three times my height with scary eyes, but those six ancient eyes seemed to penetrate my flesh like daggers.

They were the eldest elves of our world. Their eyes carried experience of over forty thousand stations. I was very impressed by their entrance. The way they walked, soft and elegant, the life contained in their long and smooth beautiful hair. They looked perfect. Their ceremonial robes glowed before the light of the reception hall's great crystal dome. The thrones with their crystal frames pulsed with magic and the translucent cushions sustained their bodies with lightness.

Emperor Nell Devarsh spoke, his voice was tuneful, low and soft as a storyteller's "We salute you, Captain Keel".

I bowed "I thank the magnificent reception. I am honored with such concern, but I must express with sincerity that this is more than I desserve".

Emperor Bzir Naldiir said, his voice beautiful and golden "No more, no less. Your feats of bravery and the news brought to us gave hope to our people in these difficult times".

Emperor Tell Mozeth asked, his voice firm, but not as remarkable as the other two "Could you unsheathe and show us the Bimu Balcatemi?"

I took a long breath and tried to conceal my discomfort. I removed it from the sheath and everyone gazed at it with awe.

Bzir Naldiir applauded with enthusiasm "Art! A true work of art!"

My vision blurred for a moment and I saw in place of the three emperors, three demons. Other memories of the war came to me. I felt a strong urge to attack them and cut off their heads. I resisted and quickly sheathed the sword.

Tell Mozeth laughed and said "It is precious to you, right?"

I nodded. At that moment, a sudden silence fell followed by comments around the room. I suspected that my attitude was perceived badly, but I was wrong.

What really happened at that moment was princess Jilija's entrance, the only daughter of Emperor Nell Devarsh. She was the most beautiful elf I had ever seen.

The princess came to me and said "Captain Keel".

She was a woman hundreds of years older than me, but as appealing as the young women of my age. I made a strong reverence "Princess Jilija, what a privilege to make your acquaintance".

"Likewise" she responded and went to sit beside her father.

After that ritual, there was music and dancing. At least two dozen daughters of nobles, high officials and priests came forward and asked me to dance. There were many, many suitors... Just like my sister said.

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