The Devilish Date page 12

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"Everything! You're super kawaii and you don't treat me like a nobody."

"You're cute too, Totty."

"You thought so!~"


You both smiled and laughed through the whole date. You questioned," don't your brothers interrupt every date you have?"

"Eventually they will..."

You still kept thinking about the weird man and the van. You decided to tell Todomatsu, just to let someone know.

You said," Todomatsu, I need to tell you something."

"Yes, (Y/N)-Chan?"

"When you were ordering the drinks...this man in a van was staring straight at me..when you came back, he left..."

"What! That's creepy!"

"what do I do?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice answered," Nothing, (Y/N). We're here for you, remember!"

You turned around and saw Osomatsu and the other four brother behind him. Todomatsu looked at Osomatsu with a annoyed face.

Osomatsu noticed and laughed," did I ruin your date?"

Todomatsu answered innocently," no, not at all!" Although, he was thinking," Hell yes! what do you think, Osomatsu-niisan!"

You smiled and said," Well I need to talk to Todomatsu in private."

Osomatsu smirked and replied," Go ahead, (Y/N)"

"Thank you, Osomatsu"

You grabbed Todomatsu's hand, leading him outside while the other 5 are inside the cafe.

Todomatsu questioned," (Y/N)-Chan?"

"Thank you, Totty!"

"For the date?"

You nodded and continued," and you called me 'special', I know you date other I really appreciated you saying that."

"It's true, (Y/N)!"


He nodded and continued," I love you, (Y/N)-Chan!"

Suddenly, he leaned in closer and kissed you on your lips. You felt his tongue slided in your mouth, playing with your tongue.

You both let go to take a breather. Todomatsu licked his lips and said devilish," you taste really sweet, (Y/N)-Chan!~"

You blushed deeply and said quickly," umm I have to go..goodbye, Totty."

"(Y/N)-Chan! Wait!"

He grabbed your arm before you could run off. He asked," it's night, do you want me to walk you home?"

"No it's alright, Totty."

"Do you hate the kiss?"

"What? No, Totty."


"Yes honestly."

"Text me when you get home, okay?~"


He smiled sweetly and you did the same. You said goodbye to Todomatsu and this time he let you leave.

While walking for 5 minutes, you hear a car following you from behind.

Thanks to watching many horror and action movies, you started running in a different direction to loose track of them.

You remember that if you ran to your house, they would know where you lived.

Suddenly, someone covered your mouth holding a cloth with alcohol to it. You fell unconscious.

The random men dialogue...

Man 1: So ya sure, she hang out with em Matsus?

Man 2: Positive. Since we have her, they will give us the money they owe us.

Man 1: Didn't we owe em money?

Man 2: Shut it! Let's go!

They put you in the van while you're unconscious and drive to their hideout.

~ What will happen next? Sorry for not much of a romantic story for Todomatsu. Sorry for any grammar/ spelling mistakes!  The answer will be coming soon! Btw I'm lacking inspiration, thanks to school! Thanks for reading my stories! You're all wonderful! Specials will be made! And Stories will continue..including new ones! Have a wonderful day, my dear readers!~

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