The Painful Date Page 8

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When morning rise, you didn't felt like getting until grandmother called for you.

Of course, you felt bad if you just ignored her.

You instantly got up and took a shower.

You heard grandmother yelled sweetly," there's someone here asking for you."

In your head you questioned,"someone? Who?"

Once you dressed in a plain white dress that was long to cover your knees, you headed to grandmother.

You questioned," who is it-"

When you looked up it was Karamatsu. You quickly stuttered," K-karamatsu? W-what are you doing here?"

He held a bouquet of blue roses to you and charmingly answered," I wanted to see my darling (Y/N)! I couldn't stop thinking of you!"

You took the bouquet slowly and smiled a little. He blushed then you asked," Well since you came all the way here, do you want to hangout, Karamatsu?"

He looked happy but kept his cool by saying," of course, my flower!"

You smiled and looked at your grandmother then asked," will you be okay alone, grandmother?"

"Oh sweetheart, you go have fun with your boyfriend! I have to go shopping."

"My boyfriend?! He's not-"

Karamatsu interrupted you by saying," thank you for noticing our relationship!"


He winked at you and you blushed.

Then you thought why she wasn't asking about Osomatsu and not assumed he was your boyfriend, or that you're cheating on him.

Maybe it was because Osomatsu and Karamatsu looked the same. Although you knew the personalities are totally different.

You were about to ask her until she said sweetly," I already know, sweetheart."


"This must be your otome romance!"

"Otome?! Wait you know?"

"I wasn't born yesterday! I know what these things are!"

You didn't know what to say until Karamatsu asked," shall we leave, (Y/N)?"

"O-oh right!"

You waved goodbye to grandmother and follow Karamatsu out the door.

While walking you asked," where are we going?"

"Well it's a secret, my darling!~"

You were curious now.

Why can't he just tell me? Is it that much of a secret?

Karamatsu stopped walking and you did too. Then he said," We have arrived, my flower!"

It was the park and there was a beautiful cherry blossom tree in the center.

Your eyes were sparkling like child and you smiled.

Karamatsu asked," do you like it?"

"No I don't like it.."


"I love it, Karamatsu!"

You smiled as the wind blew your hair, he blushed at the sight of you.

You noticed and giggled a little. Then you questioned,"why did you bring me here?"

There was a silence for a minute until Karamatsu charmingly said," I wanted to show you my place where one day I will ask you to marry me."

"You want to m-marry me?!"

He nodded and then looked up at the cherry blossom tree. He spoke," there's a legend where if you asked someone you loved to date or marry you, it will come true!"

You looked up at the tree and smiled. Then you looked at Karamatsu and said," I want to do that one day."

Karamatsu teasing asked," why not now?"

He walked closer to you and you backed up. Although, you couldn't back up any longer when you felt the tree hit your back.

You two were now face to face with each other. You blushed and look away.

He whispered in a sexy voice," look at me, my darling!"

"I'm t-too embarrassed"

He grab your chin but your eyes were still closed.

He spoke again," please darling open your beautiful eyes!"

You didn't do it and you heard him sigh and said," alright, (Y/N)! You leave me no choice!"

He kissed you on your lips and your eyes widen in surprised.

The kiss was sweet and full of love.

When he backed away from the kiss, you questioned,"k-karamatsu?! Why did you do that?"

Karamatsu spoke," I wanted to see your beautiful expressions!"

You blushed and you didn't know what to say.

Then he asked," if I asked you to marry me, would you accept?"

"I would say-"

Then you both heard a loud screamed," No!" from the bushes.

You both stared in the direction of the loud noise. It was the other 5 brothers.

You quickly questioned," what are you five doing here?!"

Jyushimatsu cheered," Spying!"

Karamatsu stuttered while questioning," did you all see everything?"

Osomatsu rub under his nose with his index finger and said," every detail, Karamatsu!"

While they arguing like Neets they are, you laughed a little.

Well at least I don't have to answer Karamatsu's question.

~ Sextuplets POV (except Karamatsu)~

The 5 matsu were walking to the bar then Osomatsu noticed you two heading somewhere.

He silenced his brothers and said," I just saw (Y/N) with Karamatsu!"

Ichimatsu asked," You want us to follow them, don't you?"

" Of course!"

They all nodded their head and followed you two secretly.

When you two stopped at the park, they hid in the bushes.

Oso: I can't believe he is trying to make a move on (Y/N)!

Jyushi: But you did-

Oso: *covers his mouth and whispers* not a word, Jyushimatsu!

Jyushi: *nods*

Todo: Hold on! What was Jyushimatsu-niisan going to say?

Oso: nothing!

Choro: We don't have time for this, you two! Karamatsu just kissed (Y/N)!

Everyone but Choro: WHAT?!

Ichi: Shittymatsu is going to die!

Todo: He is going to ask for marriage!

All of them: NO!

You and Karamatsu looked at them.

Oso's thought: Well this is going to be something crazy to explain!

Choro's thought: Osomatsu is going to have to explain this one, not me.

Ichi's thought: Just kill me now..but first kill Shittymatsu...

Jyushi's thought: Trouble!

Todo's thought: Someone explain this! I'm not doing it!

~Sorry for any mistakes! I was really busy so of course the updates will be slow. Sorry! And as you all know school is coming up again(sadly) Now if I get used to my school schedule, I will try to update this story! Thank you for reading!~

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