Who am I?

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Oh, Hi! I'm Katrina, I love my life, by my life, I mean, the one I don't have according to all the, flawless, glamorous popular girls. I am perfectly happy as who I am, apart from, my flaws... well, you're probably asking what my flaws actaully ARE, well, I have such bad acne to the point where you couldn't put I pinpoint in between where the spots AREN'T, my hair is frizzier than my dogs coat (and that's frizzy) my eyeliner is all over the place, I have the smallest boobs in the world, and my butt is too small, now think of the populars, all of that that I just said, is te opposite to them. But, I loved who I was,  I loved homework, books, writing and loads of others! I strongly do believe that knowledge is power, bu-

"KATRINA! TEA!" Shouted my mother 


I rushed downstairs, plonked myself on the couch, and started tucking in, 

"So, mum, weird question but...when will I go through puberty?" 

She gave me a vague look, and she looked stunned, so I decided to say something 

"You look like you think I haven't heard the word puberty before mother.."

She just shook her head and looked back down at her plate again, and ignored me, I knew that if I said anything else, I would just annoy her, so I furrowed my untainted eyebrows in confusion, and carried on eating, a few silent moments later, we finished, she took my plate off my lap, and disappeared into the kitchen.

Oh, I just realised! It's Monday tomorrow! YAY SCHOOL! I started thinking about this boy called James which I have a HUGE crush on! I'm gonna ask him out tomorrow! He is SUPER popular as well! So if I can hit it off with him, I can go out with any boy of my type! I rushed upstairs to my "boys" notebook, and started scribbling his name in love hearts, and drawing pictures of me and him having S- wellll, you know what I mean.

I must have lost track of time! It was already 8:00pm! Time for bed! So I continued to pace around my bedroom, putting things away, and tidying my room a little. I hopped in bed, turned off the lights, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

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