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11. On his track “How Do You Sleep?” from solo album, ‘Imagine,’ the lines “The sound you make is muzak to my ears” and “The only thing you done was ‘Yesterday’ were directed to Paul McCartney. 

12. When George Harrison lost his virginity, Lennon, McCartney and former Beatles’ drummer, Pete Best, were in the same room as him.

13. Harmonica was the first instrument Lennon learned to play.

14. Bob Dylan introduced marijuana to Lennon and the rest of the Beatles.

15. He wanted his first wife, Cynthia Pwell, to resemble Brigitte Bardot; when she cut her hair short, he refused to speak to her for two days.

16. Sean, his son, first suspected his father was a Beatle after seeing “Yellow Submarine” on television.

17. As a teen, Lennon considered himself as a teddy boy.

18. Lennon’s former primary schoolmate said “If ever there was a scrap in the school yard, John was likely to be involved.”

19. When asked about the uproar in America regarding his “more popular than Jesus” comment, Lennon responded “There are more people in America, so there are more bigots also.”

20. After growing tired of fans doing more screaming than listening at live shows, Lennon said “Beatles concerts are nothing to do with music any more. They’re just bloody tribal rites.”

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