Part 2 (Face to Face)

Start from the beginning

"So what brings you to this side of the Underground?"

My smile dissolved,

"I uh, needed a drink or two,"

I looked down at my hands not really wanting to discuss Undyne, I felt Sans eyes on me and looked at him,

"What's her name?"

My eyebrow raised slightly,

"How did you know it was a girl?"

Sans looked me up and down and I went slightly red,

"Not many women out here dress in a checkered shirt with dark blue jeans and date men and those boots? If you were dating a guy it would have to be a very female guy,"

I looked down at my outfit before I looked up at Sans, I remembered what he was mumbling in the woods, during our conversation I had pieced together what he meant,

"Never mind about me, what about you?"

Sans smile faltered and he looked at me curiously,

"What you mean?"

I took a sip of my cider,

"You seem like that type of guy who will make sure everyone is okay but no one asks you about how you are,"

Sans smile disappeared quickly and he watched me now with a blank look,

"That's not something you guess from just talking to them,"

I flushed,

"Well you don't seem entirely hard to read,"

He took another sip of his sauce before answering,

"Not many people ask how I am, no one does actually, I think... you're the first..."

I patted Sans back,

"Well then, how are you?"

Sans eyed me a bit before finishing his drink,

"If you're really interested finish your drink and we can take a walk,"

I downed my drink quickly and then we both got up, before I could pay Sans put down some Gold and winked at me,

"Gotta be faster than that kid,"

I rolled my eyes with a smile before we walked out together, it was night time now, jeez how long have Sans and I really been talking for? The biting, cold wind slapped across my face and I shivered instantly, Sans noticed and then all of a sudden I felt something heavy plopped onto my shoulders, I opened my eyes and found Sans jacket curled up around me, I cuddled into it before looking at Sans,

"Aren't you cold?"

Sans shrugged,

"I've got thick skin,"

We walked for a bit away from the cheery bar and further into the woods,

"It's strange that you should ask me that, back at the bar, it was almost as if... you knew I needed that question,"

I fiddled with my hands,

"Guess you could call it my sixth sense,"

Or your unintentional eaves dropping, my mind retorted. Sans eyes glowed blue as he watched me, he was tall but not insanely tall so I didn't have to strain my neck, I'd put him at 6ft exactly,

"Well that question means a lot to me either way,"

We stopped walking, I heard we were close by the river, I sat down on one of the stumps and Sans walked around in a slow circle, both hands in his pockets.

"Honestly I'm not that great,"

I looked up at his sudden answer,

"Everyone assumes that Sans is okay, that he's fine because he's always joking around, no one asks how I am, what's really going on in my mind,"

He started to glow blue, he turned to look at me and I got a bit of a fright, his one eye was pitch black and his other glowed unnaturally blue, he was using magic.

"Yet you, a person I have never met before asks me how I am, how I truly am. Tell me the truth, why?"

I stared at Sans for a bit before answering,

"I heard you today in the woods, mumbling, I didn't understand what you were saying but in the bar, I pieced it together and well felt like I should be the one to ask you, that it's something you needed,"

I was looking down at my hands at this point, feeling guilty when I heard a loud thump, I looked up startled and found Sans seated on his knees, no longer glowing blue, I rushed over to him,

"Sans what's wro- "

I was cut off by Sans lips all of a sudden placed on mine, it was a simple kiss, nothing fancy but still my heart sped up and my eyes widened. He pulled away, eyes wide but filled with tears,

"I don't know why I did that..."

He said softy, I tried to find the right words yet nothing came to mind,

"I'm sorry,"

He said before he vanished, I fell face forward, my face greeted by snow. I lay there for a bit just letting the cold seep in before getting up and brushing the snow from my hair, I melted the snow around me and sat down, I lit a ghost fire and just sat staring at the flames, I pulled Sans jacket around me, tighter, taking in what just happened.

My preference had generally been woman but now that Sans has kissed me... I didn't know... I stayed like that for hours, the cold seeping through ever so slightly before falling prey to the sleep that cursed my mind and that is how I stayed. Wrapped in Sans jacket, asleep and confused.

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