Tony x Daughter!reader

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It was the first day of school. At a school where everyone hates you. With no friends. Enough said. You were walking into Hell. It would be a miracle if you could get through the year alive. It also doesn't help that your previous years at school were quite miserable for you.

    You were the daughter of Tony Stark, the Playboy, genius, philanthropist, billionaire, and of course, Iron Man. This was the root of your issue with school. The problem was that none of the other students believed you when you told them that. They just assumed you were lying in order to become popular. The other issue was that you weren't hard headed like your father so you were quite the easy target.

    Of course your father thought you were doing just fine. He thought you were part of the popular crew with tons of friends. He never would've guessed that you were being bullied, or anything of the sort. The reason you never told him is because he's a bit of a drama queen. He would freak out and tell the whole team, and then they would freak out and tell Fury, and then he would freak out and kill someone.

    But the one day, they took it too far...

~ Time Skip Brought To You By The TARDIS ~

    You had gotten to school on time, picked up your schedule, and headed to your first class.

    Class was fine, a bit boring since it was just orientations and such, but fine none the less. You had most of the same classmates as last year and you hoped that those dimwitted oafs forgot about you, though it was very unlikely. Throughout the class you felt many eyes on you, heard many whispers with accompanying laughs, and your name popped up more than a few times. You, of course, were used to this and didn't even bat an eye lash.

    You went through several more classes almost identical to the first; boring, dull, and filled with ridicule, but oh well. It's not like you wanted it to happen, it caused you so much pain, you just couldn't give them what they wanted, you couldn't let them know how much it hurt you.

    When you were let out of your last class you were so happy to be able to go home and kick back and play Mario Kart with the Avengers. But of course your bullies decided to cut you off just as you were exiting the school. You were so close!

    It just began with the usual teasing and whatnot until they started physically harm you after saying that you'd gone too long without punishment for being a freak. You took blow after blow to your stomach, face, arms, legs, and anywhere else for what felt like forever. It was horrible.

    During your long walk back to Stark Tower you were silently crying, limping, and wincing in pain, it hurt so much, you just wanted to lie down in bed and sleep. You were really scared of what the Avengers would say so you figured you would sneak up to your room, clean yourself up, go down for team dinner, and hope for the best.

    The minute you got in the tower JARVIS starting talking to you.

    "Pardon me Ms. Stark, but are you alright? You seem to be injured."

    "Yeah JARV, I'm fine, just don't tell Dad, okay?"

    "Ms. Stark, I strongly advise against that."

    "JARVIS, just don't, or else I will reprogram you."

    "As you wish, Ms. Stark."

    "Thanks JARV, I'm sorry."

    You were followed with silence, you sighed and got in the elevator. As you got in you pressed the button for your floor which was near the top of the tower, past the Avengers' floor which was basically just a communal floor for the Avengers, obviously.

    As you were passing the Avengers floor you prayed to Odin that no one would come in.

     "Hey (Y/N)! How was scho-"

    Apparently Odin didn't have his listening ears on. I mean Steve? REALLY?!

    "What happened (Y/N)? Are you okay?! You know what, scratch that. JAVIS get everyone to come to the Avengers floor, and ask Dr. Banner to bring some medical supplies."

    "Of course."

    "Now for you. What happened? What hurts? Where are you bleeding? I need to know, you need to tell me!"

    You were about to explain when in strolled the Avengers. Tony was the first one to enter.

    "Hey yo Capsicle, what's up? I need to get back to the lab so-"

    "Tony! Can you stop talking for one second and look at your daughter!"

    A minute passes. Silence.

    Your father was seething with anger, "Y/N, what happened? Who did this to you?"

    You tried to play it off as nothing, "Oh, a few school bullies just took it too far..."

    "You mean to say that yOU ARE BEING BULLIED?! AND YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME?!" Oh boy, he's beginning to explode.

    Natasha, your new favourite Avenger, interjected, "Now Tony, it must be hard for her to talk about these things,"

    "Yes, thank you Nat."

    "So let's just get their names and be on our way."


    There wasn't really a way out of this so you'd just tell them their names, you just hoped they wouldn't hurt them too badly...

    "Alright, their names are (bullies' names)"

    "Thanks Hun, now then. Avengers Assemble and move out! Except for you Bruce, you stay here and fix (Y/N) up."

    Oh Jeez. This won't be good...

    "Hey guys, before you go, just. Just don't kill them?"

    Of course you dad had to protest, "Well, mayb-" Steve stomped on him foot, "Ouch! Steve! Don't injure your teammates!"

    "Of course Sweetheart," He kindly said. You giggled after all, you could always count on Steve.

    You could hear them bickering on your way out the door. It was one messed up little family, but it was yours and you were so grateful.



"YOU GUYS TOLD FURY?!" You were freaking out.

"Yes we did. The bullies deserve whatever he does to them."


And that's the story of how your bullies came to school with many broken bones.


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