Chapter Two: " Take a picture, It'll last longer"

Start from the beginning

I hadn't even expected him to respond but 'miraculously' he did "Ugh hi?" he took out his earphones and when he looked at me, i could see that he looked familiar! Who could he be? Where did i saw him...

"Yah you're gonna tell me where to stand now? Newbit?!? Stay in your line!"

"Why don't you start digging for your grave already?"

"Watch where you're going! Don't get in my way! You wouldn't want to get in trouble...would you?"

Ugh now i remember where i saw him! It's the same guy i bumped into in the hallway while coming here! That asshole!! When i thought i would not see him again!! Guess i was wrong!

"Yah you're that same rude guy aren't you?!" I suddenly said at him, wanting to seek a little bit of  revenge for what he had said to me! He's not gonna get away with it this time!!

I saw him sign and scoff. He's really getting me on my nerves right now. "Wow glad you noticed! Way to state the obvious!" He smirked at me and it took everything in me not to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. I glared at him so hard that- "Take a picture, It'll last longer" he said again and put back on his earphones. I forcefully took it out and said to him abruptly and he didn't even flinch at the words "Hey you're not even that handsome that I'll take a picture of you! Ask the girls who actually want you in this class"

"So you want me to ask the girls to take a picture of me? Even if i don't say it, they'll already start taking it!" I hate that pride in his voice! He acts as if he owns this place.

And speaking of owning, i wonder how the teacher didn't hear us fight "Nathaniel, Anderson Detention for two hours in this class itself" i guess i spoke too soon, and when i thought i was starting to like this teacher! I heard him groan next to me and put in his plugs again.

Great Alex, Detention on the first day itself! You're doing so great! Keep it up!

Wow my conscious is really sarcastic!


"This is what you get for talking in class! I didn't think but Anderson you're the first girl who got detention on the first day itself!" the teacher said and smiled at me and turned to Nathaniel "And you Mr Nathaniel you've must have got used to this class, haven't you?" He also smiled at Nathaniel and he replied "Well Sir i kind of did!! This class is becoming too old now and so are you! I think you'll need to think of a retirement letter soon! If not i can go ask for it personally for you!" He smirked at the teacher and the teacher just scoffed and sign as if he knew this was coming "i think your pranks are the ones getting old! I heard about the 'bomb' in Mr Prescott's class!" the teacher emphasized on the word Bomb.

I couldn't help but laugh at what he did...but it was barely heard as i tried to keep it all in, in order not to offence the teacher and the output of it was a freaking huge grin on my face. Once the teacher left, i burst into laughter, totally forgetting that Nathaniel was sitting next to me.

I only realized whne he cleared his throat and then i eventually stopped, putting us into an awkward silence again!

"I'm Nathaniel!" He decided to say as i was doodling in my copybook. I looked up at him with my eyes wide as i didn't think he would start are himself...using his own words...without me asking him question!

"Well ok if you want to do it this way, I'm Alexie Anderson, 17 years old"

"I already know! You told me in class which caused us to be here right now! But whatever i didn't know you were so desperate to spend time with me!" Him and his stupid smirk!!

I scoffed "I was the desperate one? Who kept the conversation going by adding weak insults?" oh I'm doing great "oh and if you don't was you!" I added before he could add another cool comeback.

He was going to say something but the door burst open and it revealed a tall girl wearing a black leather jacket with a white shirt with black ripped jeans with black and white converse with her golden brown hair in a pony tail and from where i could see her eyes were green and becoming a golden brown almost hazel in the middle.


She looked a lot like Nathaniel.

Are they siblings??

I saw a genuine smile come on his face and saw his eyes glint as he saw her!

Are they 'a thing'??

Why do i feel like a third wheel! Please don't start making out! Let me live a good life!!

"Astrid!" He got us from his place and when i thought they could hug or kiss, they did a really cool handshake and did a kind of bro hug...The one that guys usually do but he did it with a girl!! She hd a huge grin on her face...kind of like the one i had when Nathaniel replied with a really witty comeback! The guy has awesome comebacks at everything!

When she noticed me after talking to Nathaniel she said "oh I'm sorry did i disturb something between you two?" she looked back and forth between Nathaniel and me and suddenly he burst into laughter, almost falling on the ground.

"Come on Astrid! Me and her!!" he laughed again and continued "Did you drink the wrong thing??"

"Nath! Shut the hell up!!" she turned to me with a smile on her face then asked "I'm Astrid Vandel... You are?" She may look like Nathaniel but she is definitely someone who doesn't have the same attitude as him "Alexie Anderson!" I replied the same way she did "Um what are you doing here?? If Nath is involved then i kind of get it!" She chuckled and i joined too.

It was really fun to talk to Astrid! She is easy going and doesn't look like someone who has a lot of stress! And she also looks adventurous and carefree but the best part is that she isn't like the other girls who would talk about boys all the time! And we have a lot of things in common like we both love eating and have the same hobbies except she is much more into sports than me!! Like seriously, this girl is the captain of the boy's soccer team, the best player in basketball, and goes international for badminton games and opens but then the other thing is thing she is the fastest runner in this whole country!!

"So Al I've never asked, why did you leave your old school??" The only thing i don't understand is how they didn't notice my accent but they do have an accent too, she and Nath have both british accents but then i heard her question and snapped out of the thought "Oh bout' that..My parents travel a lot due to their work...their boss is a legit workaholic!" I don't know why but i just said it, i got comfortable telling her my stories and she told me hers. And her life is really exciting, she used to go to an adventure every weekend.

I wonder why she stopped!

But i also didn't want to ask her if it's personal and would bring out on of the memories.

But there was one thing i couldn't stop but ask "How come you haven't said anything about my accent before? I think you heard it by now!" I just had to. She chuckled and said "Dude me and nath both have an accent and we known it's really weird and awkward to get a ton of questions being asked about it! I don't want you to get uncomfortable!"

"So kids i think it's time to go now! Leave! And Miss Vandel what are you doing here?" the teacher asked when he entered the class and spotted Astrid "Well sir you know Mr Prescott right! Well he knows I'm the best friend of Nath and he pulled a prank on him? Well i got punished for that!!" she chuckled and stoked Nath head before rushing outside as he ran after her!!

Ahh i think i just found the weird best friends of the school!

Like one troublemaker and the other who pays for it!

And in this case, Nath is the troublemaker and Astrid is the one who also gets punished for it but she really doesn't seem to mind!!

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