The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Prologue, Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

"Got it right here." The silver fox said. He unzipped the duffle bag and pulled out what looked like a narrow steel flashlight. When he pressed the button however, instead of lighting up, the opposite end sprang outward, creating a telescoping baton.

Danny nodded, and decided to throw in a warning. "Whatever you do, don't bring that thing on the plane with you, kid; it in your checked luggage."

"Oh, I know that, Danny." Dylan answered, with an off-paw shrug. He compressed the baton back into a flashlight and returned it to the duffle.

"Just making sure," The swift fox nodded a second time, and then removed the last two items from the Manila envelope, a state-of-the-art cell phone and some gee-gaws strung together on a silver neck-chain, an Irish Harp, a Welsh Dragon, and small, odd looking key; its edge straight rather than serrated and perforated with holes like a section of Swiss cheese. He draped it over the young fox's neck and held up the cell, powering it on.

"Okay kid," Danny's voice had turned stony and solemn, "Let's go over it one last time. Soon as you land and clear the airport, what's your next move?

Dylan recited the answer as if delivering a school report; it made Kieran want to go find his uncle and punch his lights out, BLAST that sod!

"I take the metro to the central train-station, and find locker 125-D, and before I go for it, I check to make sure it's not being watched, and neither am I."

"Right," said Danny, and then passed the cell-and the ball-to Kieran.

"All right, an' then what, boyo?" the sea-mink asked.

"I enter the third number on the speed-dial and press the 'pound' key," Dylan enunciated his words as if to make certain they were understood, "that'll freeze up all the security cameras." He held up the weird looking key, "Then I open up the locker and look for another backpack inside."

"Right so far," Kieran told him with a short nod and then pointed to the backpack, still on the bed, "It'll be a bigger rucksack n' that one but nothing yer shouldn't be able to handle." (He said this as if forcing himself to believe it.)

"Gotcha," Dylan answered and then continued with his recitation, "Then I switch the packs over, and lock up, but first I make sure to remove the name-tag from the pack I'm leaving and clip it the one I'm picking up; it's got a trace chip inside. Then I dial that same number again and hit the 'star' key to re-start the security cameras. Then I just head back to the airport and come home."

He leaned back against the bed railing, looking from Kieran to Danny.

Neither one was able to meet his eyes; (it was his last line that did it.) Danny covered it by crossing his arms and looking serious.

"All right, now one more time, what happens if there's any kind of trouble?"

Dylan answered by taking the cell phone fromKieran and holding it aloft. "Anyone tries to rip me off or otherwise mess with me, I hit 'em fast and run for it. Then as soon as I'm far enough away to make the move I take my cell and punch in the first number on speed dial. And if I have to leave my other stuff, I do it."

"Right," said Kieran offering him thumbs up. "Now when ye dial that number yer won't need to say anything, we'll know it's you, and we'll know yer in trouble...and we'll get you some help." Exactly what kind of help he didn't say, instead telling the young fox, "There'll be a recorded message as well; it'll tell yer where to go an' what to do. Just follow the instructions and sit tight. You'll be safe until the cavalry arrives."

"Gotcha." the young fox said again. He began to stow the cell, but then Danny reached out and took him by the wrist.

"Not so fast, kid. That's only what happens if someone tries to ROB you; what's the procedure in case you get pinched?"

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fan-Fiction -- Prologue, Escape From Zoo YorkWhere stories live. Discover now