Chapter Three

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I walk out of the house with Callium. “Are you sure you have to leave already?” He complained.

“Sorry man, but if we don’t leave now we’ll never leave.” I smile weakly at him.

He dips his head sadly. “Man, ima gonna miss you.”

I stop and turn toward him. “I’m going to miss you heaps too, maybe you could come and visit us one time.” I smiled.

He looks up and grins. “That would be awesome, but let me guess. No parties?”

I nod slowly. “Unfortunately.”

We continue to the car Nix, Reece and Boston are already there, standing around talking. I look at them and smile grimly, but make sure that Callium doesn’t see.

“Anyway, we should be on the way.” Reece steps forward and grabs my arm pulling me towards the car.

“Alright, see ya next time.” Callium waves and walks back up to the house.

“See ya.” Nix yells to him as he gets in the back, followed by me.

Reece and Boston climb in and we pull out of the driveway and start down the road.

For a while it’s really quiet, the only sounds is the engine of the Lada Neva running and the sounds coming in the windows. I turn to look out my window and stare at the houses as we pass, I’m gonna friggen miss this place. We’ve only been here for three days, but I already feel at home.

“Jamie!” Someone says.

I slowly  turn away from the window, to see Boston turned around in his seat and looking at me, Nix is just staring worriedly.

“J man, why did you want us to leave in such a hurry?” Reece asks glancing at me quickly in the review mirror.

“I-” I start. “I remember something from the party and it’s to do with Beau.” I say finally.

“What do you mean?” Nix asks.

“He’s a hunter.” I say flatly.

“How the fuck do you know that?” Reece asks the car swerving slightly.

“When I was drunk of my face, I was sitting down ….. And someone started talking to me, I couldn’t make out who to start with but now I know it was Beau.” I look Nix straight in the eyes.

“Does he know what you are?” He asks

“I don’t think so.” I reply

“Well, you didn’t do a very good job with hiding your mark this morning.” Boston mentions turning back around in his seat.

I pull the collar of my shirt up absent mindedly.

My brother’s and I are Warlocks, we found our powers when we were sixteen, ever since then we’ve had to keep them hidden. Reece’s mark is on his right shoulder blade and Boston’s is on the left side of his abdomen, I suppose you could say they got lucky. I didn’t because my mark is on my left collar bone and runs part way up my neck on that side.

Although I’m not the only one who got unlucky with the placing of my mark. Nix is a Guardian, he helps protect us from Hunters, his mark sits on his right collar bone and runs part way up his neck on that side. So I guess I shouldn’t complain too much.

“Fuck this.” I suddenly say out loud.

Everyone pauses for a second.

“What’s the matter now?” Reece sighs

“I remember what they were talking about too.” I say taking a breath.

“What you mean?” Nix asks

“They were talking about killing me, but Beau said that you guys would get suspicious, so they walked away after Beau whispered a warning to me.” I grab my head as a headache started to appear.

“What was the warning Jamie?” Nix asks sternly.

“Why the fuck would you care?” I glare at him slowly losing control of my temper.

“Would you calm the fuck down!” Reece yells. Instantly I start to feel relaxed. “Now answer the fucking question.” He demanded.

“He said that he can kill me any time he wants.” I finally reply after a long pause.

“Oh fuck.” Nix breaths. “He’s marked you Jamie as his kill.” Nix explains.

“What does that mean?” Boston asks

“It means that no one but him will kill Jamie, others can catch and torture him but they can’t kill him.” Nix runs his hand through his hair. “This is bad; you have like a fucking giant target on you now.”

I rest my head against the window. “Fuck.” I say simply.

Nix looks at me evenly. “Exactly.”

I close my eyes and slowly drift off into sleep, the memory of the threat running through my mind.

“We should just kill him now.” The new figure says.

“No, his brothers will get suspicious.” The first one says.

“But, man if we don’t know. We’re busted.” The second voice speaks up quickly.

“I don’t think he’s going to remember squat in the morning.” The first one laughs. He leans in closer. “Just a warning though, I can kill you at any time I want and it’ll be no skin of my nose.” And they both walk away.


There you have it Chapter Three, I hope you enjoyed it.

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SoaringSpirit ;)

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