Her eyes changed

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"Well well well. We have a new fly in the web. Cirtainly more fu-" He was cut of as Petra came towards him. Anger in her eyes and voice. "Listen Aiden. I don't think we have time for this. So how about you scadadle on home and leave us be. Got it?" A hint of a growl tempered with her last sentence as she glared at him with her amathist eyes. Aiden knew that he went a hit to far with this. "Ok, calm down girl. I'm going." He took his leave, looked back and said under his breath, "such a hot-head." She heard it and glared at him. Jesse saw her eyes tint gold for a few seconds before they  went back to there original dark amathist colour. Aiden finally left in a run.

Petra calmed down and went over to Jesse. "You ok?" She was so calm now, Jesse didn't know if she knew everything about this girl. Nether the less, she was calm, but concerned. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine. Nothing major. Thanks." Jesse said in her own soft tone. Petra sighed. "Ok. Glad your alright." She looked down and added onto the end, "Did I scare you with my glare?" Her voice sounded guilty as if she thought she had scared her. In truth, Jesse was more amazed than scared. Petra was 7 and she had so much fire in her eyes. Enough to scare Aiden. Yet she is so sweet when she's calm. That's a difficult thing to do.
"No. I'm more amazed than fritened actually." She replied as she slowly got up. "Oh. You are?" She said looking up. Jesse nodded as Petra smiled to her. Jesse just said in her mind 'why didn't I ask her about her eyes glowing. At least I know she can protect herself when it comes to it'. "Come on. Let's get back to the tree house." Jesse said. Petra nodded as they went back there home.

Wow. Twice in one day. Just wow. Anyways, I hope you ejoyed this part.

Word count: 321... Pathetic. Just pathetic.

The phoenix girl (MCSM) (Being rewritten)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن